Khartoum - Al Jazeera Net

In parallel with the military council's intention to establish a political entity based on the traditional sector, its supporters began to paint a new image to glorify the generals, especially the deputy chairman of the Majlis, Maj. Gen. Hamdan Hamedti.

State television presents works of art praising the role of the rapid support forces and their commander, my assistant in maintaining security.

Some of these actions have been produced in recent years in favor of the rapid support forces, but they have gained new momentum with the hopes of Major General Hamidati on the political scene after the fall of President Omar al-Bashir.

The songs sounded interesting after addressing Humaidati to the civil servants, whose collection is expected to form a political entity based on the military junta to govern Sudan in the future.

Young artists of both sexes perform local rhythms and orchestras.

The songs often begin with the mention of the rapid support forces, which are praised for their military capabilities and rapid access to their targets.

The Music Task Force is involved in some of these actions, which observers consider as a gradual extension of the rapid support forces within the armed forces in view of the high rank of its leader.

Hamidati is considered the most influential figure in the events after the fall of Bashir, and his presence in different parts of Sudan is accompanied by music and majestic scenes, as was received by the leaders of regimes that ruled many countries in the region during the second half of the twentieth century.

Surface methods
The photographer and painter Issam Abdel Hafiz said that "drumming" was intended to intensify the crowd to the military council, which decided to "retain power and rely on superficial methods of mass mobilization."

He says that these works do not enjoy the technical character, but are "evidence of the state's retreat from the path of modernity after having gone that way."

Abdel-Hafeez believes that the drumming of the military is "proof of the boldness of the ignorance that the media used to mock with praise and praise for Bashir."

Salah Shuaib, spokesman for the Sudanese Professionals' Association, says that this type of propaganda performance relates to a specific period that quickly fades away to remain part of history.

Through his reading of the historical experience, Shuaib observes that pro-authoritarian singing was immediately forgotten after the demise of these regimes, the three military covenants: Abboud, Nemiri, and Bashir.

But he believes that this type of songs played a big role in falsifying awareness and in establishing the leadership of the individual ruler.

"Attempting to strengthen the power of proof and humdety with music will not dispel them from the practical challenges they face, even if the glorification of singing supports tyranny when the rescue fails," concluded Shoaib.

The Nature of the Tyrants
Journalist Abdul Fattah Arman says that these types of tyrants such as ousted president Bashir and before him Nimeiri and Hitler in Germany, Stalin in the former Soviet Union, and many others used art with all its tools to glorify their personalities to create acceptance of their presence in power.

Fattah expects "the emergence of more of those actions that seek to form a mental image of the recipient to accept these forces and leadership" and portraying it as working to stabilize the citizen and protect him from all security threats.

Civil society activist Mohammed Sawyer said that Jaafar Nimeiri's regime has received coherent songs such as "The Nation of Glories" and songs of Maan to Sayyid Khalifa and others.

A tourist compares the songs of the Nimeiri era with the recent glorification of the rapid support forces. He says that the recent melodies are of a very fast nature, and their texts are almost devoid of content and meanings.

Composer Omar al-Shaer says that the experience of the Nimeiri era songs is difficult to interpret from the past due to the intellectual and mood changes that have taken place in the community.

According to the poet, singing for an event or a particular person has become very difficult in this digital age, but toning and melody, remain easy fun that stir the feelings of the masses.