At Olivier Delacroix's, Anne-Laure returns to the day when her companion introduced her to her stepchildren. And the years that followed ...


Anne-Laure, 42, was in a relationship with her current spouse at the age of thirteen. The man was already father of two young children of 2 and 3 years old. It was therefore necessary that Anne-Laure finds her place in this trio, in stages, with the first presentation to children. She tells this episode to Olivier Delacroix Wednesday.

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"I dreaded this meeting and the presentation to my stepchildren, especially since my husband waited a year and a half before presenting them to me.In hindsight, I told myself that it was necessary. It was made in a holiday place, we ended up in a small house, rented for the occasion in the Pyrenees.There was my husband and his children, the parents of my husband and I joined them with my son We found ourselves all together to cohabit for a week, when we did not know each other.

"I made the mistake of putting myself directly as a mother-in-law"

My husband had the good idea to get sick the first two days, he was bedridden. So I found myself taking care of my stepchildren and I was paralyzed. I did not know how to do it. I made the mistake of placing myself directly as a mother-in-law and playing the card of discipline.

We must prepare, we must talk about it before, be ready and we have not done it. The children were so small that it was thought that it was going to flow and that we did not need to explain to them that it was enough to live things. It was an error on our part. The child must mourn for his parents living together before being able to accept a stepfather or stepmother in his life.

"Relationships are formed as and when"

The meeting was a stage. But now, I've been with my husband for 13 years and get along very well with my stepchildren. There was a difficult journey in the early years but today, it is going well. Relationships are formed as and when they are built over time. "