This may be the first time that supporters of the Saudi regime have agreed with supporters of the Islamic state organization to attack a political figure.

In a remarkable incident, the electronic committees of the Saudi regime agreed with the supporters of the Islamic State Organization (Da'ash) to attack President-elect Mohamed Morsi, who died on Monday during his trial.

The social networking sites witnessed a broad sympathy with Morsi, and several supporting websites topped the day and yesterday.

And launched what appears to be electronic committees belonging to the Saudi regime - or what is known as "electronic flies" - and called (# Mohammed_Marsi_Amil) included a scathing attack on the late President, and accused of working for Iran and sometimes to Israel and other times, and issued the social networking sites and participated by Saudi activists from Social networking sites, as well as what appeared to be e-committees supporting Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.

Tag leader in Egypt and a number of homelands: # Mohamed_Marsi_Amil
The reminder of history does not mean pessimism, but if everything is required, a criminal dies

I mean, is it necessary for the people of Kuwait to be merciful to those who invaded, or to the people of Iraq and Syria, to pray to all those who died, and to be merciful to Houthi after his death?
God willing # امجد_طه

- Amjad Taha Amjad Taha (@ amjadt25) June 18, 2019

All those who oppose the great Saudi, his fate Zei Morsi and Gaddafi Ali Abdullah Saleh
And the al-Azhunji who are of the old became disenfranchised and win every platform from the island to the Turkish channels 😂😂 # محمد_مرسي_ميل

- # غريب_الطوار (@ absa1408) June 18, 2019

# Mohammed_Marsi_Amil
Morsi almost cloned Iran's Revolutionary Guards in Egypt. God saved Egypt from its evil and evil.

- spiDer Weβ (@ Qs11sQ) June 18, 2019

All those who violated Saudi Arabia fell first, Saddam, Muammar, Ali Abdullah Saleh, and Mursi. One person remained and peace is in the region. How large is the country of the two holy mosques? Muhammad_Marsi_Amil

- Jimmy (@ 8hhhr) June 18, 2019

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- Abdulaziz A Bin-Turki 🇺🇦 🇦🇹 (@ZzzBinturki) June 18, 2019

# Mohammed_Marsi_Amil
All the so-called Muslim Brotherhood and betrayal and agents against their religion and their countries and this is true.

- Saad _ Alharbi (@ 2030Saads) June 18, 2019

It is noteworthy that the attack on Morsi came not only from the Saudi flies, but also from the owners of some accounts supporting Da'ash, where they accused Morsi of responsibility for what happened in the Sinai from the bombing of the families and militants, while others accused him of continuing the military regime and engage in the democratic process, Infidelity. "

See what he did # Mohammed_Marsi with the people of Sinna and the Mujahideen ... # محمد_مرسي_عميل

- Abu Mohammed (@ h_3jm) June 18, 2019

We have gone out to seek glory
We return the rule of Shari'a to be the dominant of all inferior laws
& # كيف_تعرفين_الزوج_النكدي &
& # محمد_مرسي_عميل &
& Mohamed Morsy &
& Martyr Martyr & '' "*" '

- Breacking News African Asie (@ iMmZqxB7oV97qjS) June 18, 2019

Morsi Fetish Brothers Busty
Which was adopted by the secularists in Islam falsely and Bahtanaumaho only tyrannical successor to the tyrant but it is harder on Muslims than his predecessor
& # كيف_تعرفين_الزوج_النكدي &
& # محمد_مرسي_عميل &
& Mohamed Morsy &

- Breacking News African Asie (@ iMmZqxB7oV97qjS) June 18, 2019

Oh God, I am silent with the fall of the dead Morsi Fetish Brotherhood Brothers Abdel Shenouda
& # كيف_تعرفين_الزوج_النكدي &
& # محمد_مرسي_عميل &
& Mohamed Morsy &
& Rayes Martyr &

- Ehrey (@EhygWy) June 18, 2019

The joint attack between the e-flies of the two parties in light of a wave of sympathy with Mursi on social networking sites, where she led several of the sites of communication over the course of two consecutive days, including grief over the death of Morsi and angry because of the medical negligence suffered, while others blamed the Egyptian regime responsible for his death , And some said that the regime deliberately kill him, according to their description.

Many said that Sisi was the one who applied the description of a client, because he sold Tiran and Sanafir, an alliance with Israel, excessive Egyptian rights in the Mediterranean gas to Israel, and dismantled. Society to strengthen the division between its people, and involve the army in a conflict with the Egyptian people politically and economically.

# Mohammed_Marsi_Amil
Mamil al-Sisi and the Arab rulers, slaves of America and Israel, either Mohammed Morsi went to a paradise that displayed the heavens and the earth prepared for the pious

- Strange and Homeland (@ FHA20331) June 18, 2019

# Mohammed_Marsi_Amil was even the best president of Egypt knew history good people do not stay # Finished

- Dr. Samahti Khatami Mustali (@ smahti2) June 18, 2019

This is the Western and Arab media. If they see someone from Micron. They accused him of the client and that he and that he even dropped him .. Also killed our king Faisal God's mercy when the Jews threatened ... God's mercy on you Iamrsi # محمد_مرسي_ميل

- Abdulaziz Al-Salem (@abdulazezAlsalm) June 18, 2019

# Mohammed_Marsi_Amil
He sold Tiran and Sanfair as a customer
He sold the waters of the Nile and ate him a client
He sold the islands and Kaman as a customer
Is the act of normalization with Israel as a client # Mohammed_Marsi Oh God, mercy of the Koran, which was saved and was cited by

- ahmadhanafy1972 (@ ahhahs72) June 18, 2019

The real customer is the one who killed the people and sold them and they said # Mohammed_Marsi_Amil

- Permission (@ SAMEooH99) June 18, 2019