The initiative of the head of the National Reconciliation Government, Fayez Al-Sarraj, to resolve the crisis in Libya was welcomed by forces from within and from the United Nations and the European Union, while the camp of retired Major General Khalifa Hafer was quick to reject it as it does not consider it part of the solution.

Al-Serraj presented his initiative on Sunday, 72 days after Hafer launched a massive offensive to invade the capital Tripoli on the pretext of eliminating what he calls the militias. The attack, which was supposed to be held under UN auspices in the southern Libyan city of Ghadames in mid-April, was thwarted by the attack.

The seven-point Al-Serraj political initiative calls for a Libyan forum to be held in coordination with the United Nations, representing all national forces and constituents of the people with political and social influence.

On the other hand, the initiative excludes from describing the advocates of tyranny, whose hands were stained with the blood of the Libyans, in a tacit reference to Hafar as the general commander of the army by the Council of Representatives in the Eastern Province, whose sessions are boycotted by dozens of its members.

It also calls for agreement during the forum on a road map for the next phase and the adoption of the appropriate constitutional rule for the holding of presidential and parliamentary elections simultaneously before the end of this year.

In a subsequent statement to Reuters, Al-Serraj said he would not sit down again with Haftar, whom he had met several times in Abu Dhabi and Paris to seek an agreement that would bring Libya out of the cycle of conflict since Colonel Muammar Gaddafi's ouster in 2011.

The head of the National Reconciliation Government, who had previously considered Huffer a war criminal with the start of the attack on Trabus, said that previous meetings with the retired general proved that he was an attempt to gain time and prepare for the attack on the capital, while stressing his determination to repel what he called the aggression on Tripoli.

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Part of the problem
It is clear that the head of the Wifaq government presented his initiative under the certainty of many Libyans that it was impossible to co-exist with a thirst for power, which was what Siraj had shown his desire for compromise while at the same time preparing for a surprise operation in the Libyan west.

The exception of Hafater and others like him of this political initiative, motivated by factors, including the opening of the reconciliation government channels of contact with figures from the eastern region rejecting the military solution, and the failure of the forces of Haftar, which is in a state of decline in the suburbs of Tripoli.

Internationally, the UN mission in Libya has welcomed the Serraj initiative and any other initiative to end the protracted conflict in the Republic.

At the same time, the European Union has announced its support for any proposal to push the political process in Libya under the auspices of the United Nations and end the conflict and division.

However, Al-Serraj's proposals will probably not resonate with the regional supporters of Hafar, primarily Egypt, the UAE and Saudi Arabia, and the Westerners, including France, whom the loyalists accuse of the al-Wifaq government gave the green light to attack Tripoli.

A few days ago, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi called during his meeting with Libyan Parliament Speaker Aqila Saleh to support what he described as the de facto legitimacy in Libya, the House of Representatives, as he sees it, and not the government of reconciliation recognized as a legitimate authority in Libya.

Internally, and in what seemed to be an immediate support for the initiative, about 50 deputies voted in the House of Representatives - during the session in Tripoli - in favor of the abolition of the post of commander-in-chief of the army, although this vote will be considered in the camp Haftar void legally.

These deputies welcomed the step taken by Al-Serraj, and affirmed their support for every initiative that injects the blood of the Libyans and strengthens the principle of civil state.

In the same context, the Libyan Interior Minister Fathi Pasha said during his meeting with the Italian ambassador to Tripoli that the government of Al-Wefaq seeks peace, consensus and building a democratic state, with its categorical rejection of the return of dictatorship and tyranny, expressing the government's readiness to dialogue with national forces and all social components in the eastern region.

In addition, welcoming positions were issued by several Libyan political and social parties such as the Justice and Building Party and the Berkawi Commission, which includes personalities from the eastern province of Burqa.

Commenting on this initiative, Libyan political analyst Abdulsalam Al-Rajhi said that the door is open to all parties and political currents to formulate a future political project for the Libyan state within the framework of national reconciliation process, activating the transitional justice law and the general amnesty law exempting those who committed war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Demonstration in Tripoli after the start of the attack Hafar forces reject the military rule and emphasizes the state (Anatolia)

Camp Haftar
On the other hand, the head of the Libyan government parallel Abdullah al-Thani, the initiative of the head of the government of reconciliation, a desperate attempt came at the time lost.

In an interview with a local television channel, Al-Hini said that it was better for Siraj to announce the initiative in 2016 when the unity government was formed under the Skhirat agreement.

In the same context, MP Ziad Daghim, a supporter of Hafter, said the initiative was ironic.

The spokesman for the "Operation Karama" Brigadier General Khalid Mahjoub said in turn that the initiative is in its infancy and does not deserve to be discussed, wondering who will speak the government of reconciliation if this party is not "the Libyan armed forces," and that means the forces led by " "He said.