Al Jazeera Net - Tehran

In the midst of increased tension between Tehran and the United States following the withdrawal of the latter from the nuclear agreement, the Iranian tone has taken an upward trend reached the announcement of the start of the countdown to reduce the implementation of new provisions of the nuclear agreement signed in 2015.

Iran's low-enriched uranium (LEU) reserves will exceed the limits of the 300-kilogram joint work plan, the spokesman for Iran's atomic energy organization Behruz Kamalundi said Monday morning.

While at his press conference held at the Khandab Arak nuclear reactor, Kamalundi left the door open for the European side to urge him to implement his commitments under the nuclear agreement. At the same time, he warned that Tehran would continue to suspend the implementation of some provisions of the nuclear deal if the West failed to meet With his promises.

Tehran announced on May 8 that it had decided to suspend compliance with two of its commitments under the nuclear deal, setting the reserves of 300 kg enriched uranium and 130 tons of heavy water.

Short opportunity

Almost an hour after the IAEA spokesman said there was plenty of time for the European side to salvage the nuclear deal and help protect Iran from US sanctions, the Iranian president described the opportunity for the Europeans as "too short."

Hassan Rouhani, while receiving the credentials of the new French ambassador to Tehran, Philippe Tiebo, called on Paris and the European Union to take practical action to compensate Tehran for the consequences of the US withdrawal from the nuclear agreement. He said that the collapse of the agreement would not be in the interest of Iran or France or the region or the world.

Iran is betting on the European Union to save the nuclear agreement from the collapse (the island)

Letter to Europeans

For his part, confirmed the Iranian parliamentarian Alaeddin Boroujerdi, the support of the legislative authority announced by Kamalundi this morning, and stressed the need to respect all the terms of the nuclear agreement by the European parties signed it.

He warned that the Iranian response would be firm and firm and according to a predetermined timetable if it fails to fulfill its obligations under the agreement.

A member of the National Security and Foreign Policy Committee of the Iranian parliament that all parties to the nuclear agreement must fulfill their commitments, "We will not accept that the fulfillment of the commitments by Iran only."

He said that France, Britain and Germany are facing a test with regard to the nuclear agreement after the US withdrawal from him, and that his country's future scenarios towards the agreement will be subject to steps taken by European countries to save him.

Boroujerdi said that what Kamalondi announced this morning was an explicit message to the European side that signed the nuclear agreement. He hoped that the message would receive a positive response and warned that Europe's negative treatment of the Iranian demands of the nuclear agreement would lead to the loss of the counterparty.

He concluded by saying that we will abide by the nuclear agreement as much as the other parties are committed to the implementation of its provisions, and does not make sense to stick to it as long as the other parties to abide by its provisions.

Three scenarios

For his part, said the director of the Institute of International Relations, "Abdul Majid Zawarh any" that increasing the production of enriched uranium is not in violation of the nuclear agreement by Iran, but a warning to other parties and remind them to fulfill their pledges.

In an interview with Al-Jazeera Net, Zawahiri stressed that Iran can not accept the pressures and the limits imposed on it without obtaining privileges in return, because it is irrational principle, especially since Iran has given the counterparty a period of one year since America withdrew from the agreement.

He described the announcement by Iran as "the last warning to the European side to fulfill its commitments to the nuclear agreement." He said he saw three scenarios for the future of the nuclear deal. The first is that the European side seek to save it from America by activating the INSTEX mechanism and honoring its commitments.

He considered that the second scenario is an escalation of the crisis in the region as a result of Iran's insistence on continuing its nuclear and missile activities because of the European disregard for its demands.

He said that America has put all its weight to pressure Tehran so far. If Iran chooses the path of resistance against pressure, Washington and its European allies will resort to the third scenario through a mediator to reach a new agreement that guarantees Iranian interests.

TEHRAN: Iran's uranium enrichment is threatening the survival of the nuclear deal,

A decision to withdraw

In the same context, the head of the nuclear committee in the Iranian parliament MP Mujtaba Zul Nur that Tehran will put the decision to withdraw from the nuclear agreement on its agenda if the European countries did not meet their commitments and did not take action under the agreement.

He accused the European side that he has no serious will to maintain the nuclear agreement and that he is trying to gain time without any benefit to Iran, Mehr news agency reported.

"In the first stage, Iran will increase the enrichment rate because before the nuclear agreement we were enriched up to 20 percent, but after the nuclear agreement we pledged 3.67 percent, but if this deadline is over, we will enrich as much as we need," he said.

International reactions

Warning Iran to implement its next steps if the European side did not fulfill its obligations under the nuclear agreement until the expiration of the 60 days on July 8, led to international reactions, as the German Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Adebar to urge Tehran to stay in the nuclear agreement .

While the Kremlin has declared Iran to be transparent about its nuclear program with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Britain has threatened that it would consider all available options if Tehran breached its obligations with respect to its nuclear activities.

EU foreign policy chief Federica Mugrini said Iran has so far respected its commitments under the nuclear deal, and we encourage and urge it to continue.