Abu Dhabi Police broadcast a video showing the dangers of leaving cars open, calling on families to avoid the dangers of neglect and not leaving cars open in villas or near houses to avoid fatal or dangerous accidents. Leading to their death or suffocation.

She stressed the need for continuous monitoring of young children, and not to forget or rely on others in the follow-up when parking in various locations, with high temperatures, to avoid the occurrence of accidents that may lead to suffocation or death.

Most accidents, which occur as a result of misjudgment by parents or children, result in inadvertent neglect, which may result in children being suffocated inside the car due to the heat of the atmosphere that produces carbon dioxide in the car.

The police urged the residents to pay attention to the safety of their children, not to leave them alone and go to buy the items, on the grounds that they are asleep and the car is completely closed and air-conditioned in the operating position, noting that some cases of fatal suffocation may occur when the children forget about long periods, .

Abu Dhabi Police have advised families when they take trips to their cars to shop or stand for a long time by following some simple steps important, which the driver of the car to pay attention to and focus on them, most important not to leave children in the car without escorting one, and make sure that all passengers leave the car when they get off , Make sure that the car is always unlocked, and look at the car from inside and outside before leaving.