Paris (AFP)

A major challenge after the miracle: passed by a mouse hole in the semi-finals of the U-20 world championship in Argentina, the French team, defending champion, faces the "ogre" South African, Monday (8:30 pm) in Rosario.

The Bleuets find their savior since they owe their qualification, via the ticket of best second, to the "Baby Boks", who removed the point of defensive bonus to New Zealand Wednesday at the very end of the match (25-17).

A little earlier, France, after two victories, had suffered a rout against the Argentinians (47-26) and the gap found between the two services is enough to measure the magnitude of the task that awaits the team of Sébastien Piqueronies.

The coach is not astonished. "We are upset and disappointed about the behavior (against Argentina) but, in terms of accounting, it is still a satisfaction to be in the semifinals," he told AFP, highlighting the homogeneity of the competition where "one team is undefeated".

South Africa, which only missed the last square (2011) since the change of age category in 2008, when the Blueberries have attended only four times.

"We are not going to compare ourselves to them, they are the ogre, we Tom Thumb, who will work well to fight against the ogre and we will see" Piqueronies launches.

Fighting will be the watchword, as always against South Africans, who have martyred the "Baby Blacks" ahead.

But the Blueberries will also tighten the lines in defense, pierced too easily by the "Pumitas", and erase the countless slag found.

"We have plenty of launches in the Argentinian camp but we decide badly, we are not precise, it took a lot of energy to get close to their line, when they came into our in-goal very easily. ", says the coach.

"It will better control our decisions and launches," he adds. "And if we are able to use the ball well and put some speed, we can find our game. But only if we dominate our first duels, offensive and defensive." Huge site.

The program of the final phase (in Rosario, in French hours)

Semi-finals Monday

(6 pm) Argentina - Australia

(8.30 pm) South Africa - France

Saturday, June 22

(18h00) Match for 3rd place

(20h30) Final

? 2019 AFP