By RFIPubliée on 16-06-2019Modified on 16-06-2019 at 20:52

The presidential campaign continues in Mauritania. This week, candidate Ghazouani, president of President Mohamed ould Abdel Aziz, was campaigning in the east of the country, in the wilaya of Hodh Ech Chargui. The East is a special regime region where the security issue remains a concern. Although it has not experienced an attack since 2009, Nema, the prefecture, is only a few kilometers from Mali. To fight against insecurity, a community radio project will soon see the day in Wade Chebi, more than 250 km from Nema.

The wilaya of Hodh Ech Chargui is an immense desert expanse. A large part of the population is nomadic and informs themselves by radio. Mohamed is the correspondent of Radio Mauritania.

" As we cover a very large area, there are always gaps. We do not have enough men or cars to be present throughout the territory. Nomads always have a radio with them. When they go into a broadcast area, they listen, "he explains.

Radio Mauritania covers only 80% of the wilaya. The rest of the territory, like the locality of Wade Chebi, is cut off from the world hence the idea of ​​a community radio.

" Our topics are about health, education, security. We have a safe goal. If the listeners see something dangerous, it should be pointed out. The problem is that the public is not aware of the threats, they do not know how to spot them because they are not educated enough , "says Mariam, a reporter for the radio.

Wade Chebi is an important crossing point during the transhumance of the lean season, which makes it a strategic place in the fight against insecurity.

" This radio is on a site that is, at the purely tactical level, very interesting to exploit because it is a place where everyone goes. And if this is the place where everyone passes and we put something that is stable and loyal in terms of population, well at that moment, we are reversing the threat in a direct way , "said François Xavier Pons, from the Support Project for Security and Development in Mauritania, funded by the European Union.

Wade Chebi community radio will start broadcasting in a few weeks, with a range of 30 to 40 km.

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