High school students will begin to work on Monday morning on the philosophy test. But the course of the baccalaureate could be disrupted by strikes of teachers opposed to the reform of the examination.

Philosophy will open Monday morning the ball of the 2019 session of the baccalaureate, penultimate edition of this review in its current form, which could be disrupted by monitoring strikes led by teachers opposed to its redesign. At 8:00 am, some 743,000 candidates, from 11 to 77 years old, are summoned to more than 4,600 test centers across France.

The reform of the baccalaureate, challenged by many teachers

As every year, the philo will be the first written test for candidates for general (53.5% of applicants) and technological (21%). High school students in the vocational field (25.5%) will pass French. The students of First General and Technological will also, Monday afternoon, on the test of French. The government has announced a reform of the baccalaureate for 2021, which will reduce the number of final exams to the benefit of continuous supervision and which will be accompanied by a reorganization of education in high school. A radical change that does not pass among many teachers, some of whom threatened to strike a surveillance strike Monday.

The Minister of Education Jean-Michel Blanquer wanted to reassure Friday: "We organized ourselves so that things happen normally". "The teachers are responsible people who bring their students to the baccalaureate and have no desire to sabotage the moment for which they prepared them," he said.

Will the strike be followed?

This is the first time since 2003 that such an appeal has been filed by unions for the bac. It is impossible to know if the strike will be very well attended because, in the secondary, the strikers are not obliged to declare themselves in advance. Many institutions, however, took their precautions by calling for example more staff than necessary. On Monday, a maximum delay of one hour will be tolerated for candidates. They will have to present their identity card at the same time as their convocation and turn off their mobile in the examination room. It will be possible to leave the room before the end of the event, once the first hour has elapsed.

The baccalaureate exams will end on June 24th for scientific (S) and literary (L) programs, and as of June 21st for the economic and social (ES) sector. In the pro track, where the youth have already passed several tests, the exams will run from Monday to Wednesday. The results will be known on July 5th and the catch-ups will continue until the 10th. Since 2012, the success rate exceeds 80%.