Nice (AFP)

France striker Valérie Gauvin, dismissed in the opening match of the World Cup-2019 against South Korea (4-0), was tenured against Norway on Wednesday (21:00) in Nice, according to the team composition announced by FIFA.

Gauvin, who will play alone in tip, was preferred to Delphine Cascarino, who finds the bench of substitutes.

"The starting lineup against Korea gave me satisfaction, so, logically, we should start again on the same eleven," announced the coach of Bleues Corinne Deacon, Tuesday in a press conference.

Finally the reinstatement of Valerie Gauvin, the usual attacker of the Blue dismissed at the last moment during the previous match due to training delays, was decided.

Wendie Renard and Eugénie Le Sommer, authors of three of the opening four goals, were also tenured despite recent truncated training due to persistent muscular discomfort.

Pillar of the French defense, Renard (1.87 m) remains mostly a weapon of mass destruction on set pieces, like his double header against South Korea.

Norway, which started the competition with a victory against Nigeria (3-0), will lose their Golden Ball Ada Hegerberg, behind the national team.

Even without his "regular scorer", the Scandinavians, the first finish of his qualifying group, remain a team that has many assets.

In the unanimous opinion of the players of the France team, the dangers to be watched will be Caroline Graham Hansen and Guro Reiten.

In case of success during this second group game, the Blue will make a big step towards the 8th finals of the competition organized in France.

The teams :

France: Bouhaddi - Torrent, Mbock, Fox, Majri - Henry (cap.), Bussaglia - Diani, Thiney, Le Sommer - Gauvin

Breeder: Corinne Deacon

Norway: Hjelmseth - Wold, Mjelde (cap.), Thorisdottir, Minde - Graham Hansen, Risa, Engen, Reiten - Saevik, Herlovsen

Coach: Martin Sjögren (NOR)

Referee: Bibiana Steinhaus (GER)

? 2019 AFP