Minister of State for Health and Quality of Life, Director General of the Office of the Prime Minister, Ohoud Bint Khalfan Al-Roumi, stressed that the National Strategy for Quality of Life 2031 represents a new thinking in the government work that focuses on the human being in the UAE and makes it a center for development and a key partner in designing initiatives that improve The quality of his life and happiness, pointing out that the strategy seeks to achieve balance and readiness for future challenges that may be produced by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and its impact on the quality of life.

The strategy, which includes 90 quality initiatives to be implemented by government agencies over the next 10 years, is a qualitative addition to the efforts of pioneering the leadership thinking of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai. The quality of life model is a collective task and responsibility for all government agencies and is at the heart of the priorities of its work, so that our society becomes the most cohesive, healthy and happy.

She added that the national program of happiness and quality of life plays a supportive role to the efforts of the authorities to improve the quality of life in the vital sectors, in addition to coordinating efforts to achieve the goals and directions of the strategy that adopt clear roles and responsibilities for implementation in all government agencies and seek integration with the private sector. Al-Roumi pointed out that the strategy includes a set of potentials to consolidate a new business model that places the quality of life at the heart of the government's work, through practical tools that focus on strengthening the UAE's position and leadership in quality indicators of life globally, including integrated monitoring of quality of life in the UAE, The quality of life concepts and practices, and the consolidation of the government model as a single platform in which the roles of the authorities are integrated to enhance the quality of life, as well as the development of a scientific and behavioral management methodology to enable government policies and programs in support of quality of life.

She said that the national program of happiness and quality of life, within three years, laid the groundwork for the new government thought within three axes, including measurement, capacity building, programs and initiatives. The UAE is a global reference to the quality of life. 24% between 2016 and 2018, the Happiness Index, which attracted more than 5 million customer ratings, the happiness and quality of life survey covering more than 16,000 people representing the community, while the program developed more than 10 scientific and practical guides for happiness and quality of life applications in government work And work on the training of more than 20 thousand government employees and members of the community and empowerment.