By RFIPosted on 07-06-2019Modified on the 07-06-2019 at 00:44

He is a very weak man who appeared on Algerian national television this Thursday evening, June 6, to announce that he will remain in his position of acting president until the next election. Sunday, the Constitutional Council had canceled the presidential election scheduled July 4. It is therefore the first indication that the authorities give on the face that will have this period of constitutional vacuum in which is about to enter the country.

The Algerian Constitutional Council implied it. Abdelkader Bensalah confirms it: he will remain in office beyond the legal limit of his term of acting president. " This situation obliges me to continue to assume the office of head of state until the election of the President of the Republic, " he announced at an address to the nation Thursday evening broadcast by Algerian national television.

The presidential election , scheduled for July 4 to nominate a successor to Abdelaziz Bouteflika, had to be postponed sine die by the Constitutional Council on June 2.

The acting president calls the political class to dialogue

If he does not summon the electorate, the acting president promises to hold an election without any loss of time. But he calls for dialogue so that the ballot is considered transparent. " I invite the political class, civil society and national patriotic personalities, concerned about the future of Algeria, to opt for inclusive dialogue as a path leading to participation in the process of consultation that the State will employ. to organize as soon as possible, "he announced.

This Friday, Algerians are called to protest for the sixteenth Friday in a row. The extent of the mobilization will tell whether the acting president has convinced or not.

    On the same subject

    Ihsane El Kadi: in Algeria, "we are in a real institutional stalemate"

    Algeria: towards a period of uncertainties

    Algeria in a period of constitutional vacuum

    Algeria: July 4th presidential "impossible" to organize
