“The test reports of May LLC were not provided ... If the selection is incorrect and the standards are not observed, the microorganisms can get into the product from the hands of the screener, tools, or from the external environment,” the RIA Novosti report says.

They also noted that the conclusions of “Roskachestvo” about the shortcomings of the company's products are unfounded and mislead consumers.

As the agency reports, the company Unilever, producing tea brand Brooke Bond, reported that they also got acquainted with the results of the study and expressed surprise at the methodology used by the organization.

Earlier it was reported that “Roskachestvo”, following the results of checking leafy and packaged black teas of the most common trademarks in Russia, found in 11 of them E. coli bacteria.

The list includes Brooke Bond and Richard brand teas.

Subsequently, the general director of the Roschaykofe association, Ramaz Chanturia, in an interview with RT, evaluated the results of the Roskachestvo research.