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The prison of Fresnes, near Paris, one of the most overpopulated in France. PATRICK KOVARIK / AFP

When we talk about violence in prisons, we obviously think of the violence between inmates and the violence of the prisoners on the monitors. But the French section of the International Observatory of Prisons (OIP) makes this Monday, June 3 report, particularly documented, this time about the violence of some prison staff on detainees. A taboo subject on which there is no data, no public statistics.

" I was stripped naked, my feet, my legs were held. They were three on me and I hit repeatedly on the left. Samuel testified to the violence he suffered while detained. They were perpetrated by supervisors.

The International Prison Observatory has received nearly 200 such reports in two years. The association does not deny the aggressions suffered by the supervisors , but it deplores the secrecy that surrounds the violence done to the detainees.

" The characteristic of this violence is that it also contributes to the omerta is that they are committed out of sight. Most often when the violence is premeditated, the supervisors will choose places where there are no surveillance cameras. So it's going to be in the cells, it's going to be in the search rooms or blind spots of the cameras and then actually in places where there are no witnesses, "says Cécile Marcel director of the International Observatory prisons .

According to the OIP, there would be a tolerance of these practices, the perpetrators of aggression are rarely sanctioned. These drifts are attributed to the hard work, but not only.

"To punish a supervisor for this type of practice is to take the risk of offending the entire profession and no one in the prison has an interest in this happening, because there is a direction of detention that must be ensured and must be as peaceful as possible, "adds Cécile Marcel.

The report reveals that violence is very rarely investigated and even more court decisions.

For greater transparency, the OIP requests, among other things, the publication of data on the number of prosecutions and convictions of prison staff. For the association, it is also necessary to allow individual and confidential referrals from the General Inspectorate of Justice (IGJ) on the model of the IGPN, the font of the policies.

Read also: France: disturbing record of prison breakouts in one week

📌OIP publishes today a report on the #violence of prison guards:
✔Status of the places of this violence
✔️decryption of the cogs that allow them to exist
✔️ recommendations to overcome denial and impunity #BrisonsLeSilencehttps: //t.co/O9ZWONOr7D

OIP (@OIP_sectionen) June 3, 2019