The head of the National Intelligence Service and the head of the Democracy Research Center Yang Jung-chul recently held a closed-door meeting, according to The Fact.

The media reported that Seo and Yang had been in Seoul's Gangnam-gu, Seoul for 4 hours and 30 minutes, and that the owner of the restaurant paid for the taxi when he returned home.

In response, Yang said in a text message sent to reporters, "I gave a letter to the bishop in a letter of my own, and it was a promise I made to accompany the bishop, I acknowledged the fact.

However, Yang said, "It was not only a private conversation, but also a conversation."

As for the taxi payment, I said, "I paid for my meal. I gave 150,000 won in advance to the restaurant manager, and I gave 50,000 won to the taxi driver."

This was followed by a workshop in the political circle all day.

In addition, the Democratic Party emphasized that there is no problem as it is a private meeting between acquaintances who have been exchanging for a long time.

I dismissed the criticism of the opposition that the NIS director met with a variety of people.

On the other hand, the four parties criticized the meeting as inappropriate.

Nak Gyeong-won, the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Korea, said, "We must apologize for the inadequate controversy over the discussion," and the right-wing party leader, Oh Shin-hwan, said the secret meeting was enough to buy political suspicion. The National Assembly Information Committee should be held to understand the facts. "

The Democratic Party of Peace and the Justice Department pointed out that the two people 's meetings can provide suspicions about the political involvement of intelligence agencies.

Cheong Wa Dae has not issued an official position.

A key official of Cheong Wa Dae met with reporters and said, "I am rather curious as to why Cheong Wa Dae is related to Cheong Wa Dae because the Cheong Wa Dae greetings are not with them." It is not necessary to tell the position of the Cheong Wa Dae I can not feel it. "