“The unprecedented insolence to demand from Russia to leave its territory ... It is arrogance, assertiveness, a demonstrative disregard for international laws and a shamelessness for today - these are the factors that hold the North Atlantic alliance. Crimea is our land, ”the deputy noted.

According to him, the statement of the North Atlantic Alliance was made for the new leadership of Ukraine.

“However, the statement by Stuart Peach may turn out to be just a curtsey towards the new president of Ukraine. In principle, nothing new, I'm sure Poroshenko can share his five-year experience of “fruitful” interaction with NATO and other institutions of Western democracy with Zelensky. They love loud statements, but they don’t go further than that, ”he concluded.

Earlier, Peach said that NATO still does not recognize the ownership of the Crimea and calls on Russia to leave the territory of the peninsula.