The Sharjah Criminal Court has heard the case of two Asian people accused of stealing a car parts shop by entering at night, stealing spare parts and 2,500 dirhams.

The details of the incident came back to the fourth of last April when the police operations room received a report that there was theft in a shop in the industrial zone. The security and criminal teams moved to the place of the incident and took the data and forensic evidence and arrived at the suspects and arrested them and admitted the theft. Judicial proceedings against them.

The court confronted the defendants with the charges against them, admitted to entering the shop at night, without stealing anything, pointing out that one of them entered the shop and the other stayed out waiting for him and watching the place.

The court confronted the defendants with the statement of the complainant, who confirmed during the investigation that he had been robbed of spare parts and the amount of AED 2,500, saying that the money was not stolen from inside the shop.

The case was adjourned until the end of the month.