Germany rejects extraterritorial sanctions that the US may impose on companies involved in the construction of Nord Stream 2. This was stated in the Ministry of Economics of Germany.

“We took note of these statements (Perry. - RT ), do not comment on them. We fundamentally reject extraterritorial sanctions, ”the representative of the German ministry said.

The ministry thus reacted to the words of US Secretary of Energy Rick Perry, who announced Washington’s plans to impose sanctions on companies that are members of the Nord Stream 2 project.

He expressed the hope that the US Senate and House of Representatives would approve the draft restrictive measures.

“This document will spell out very, very tough sanctions for companies that will continue to conduct business related to the implementation of Nord Stream 2,” Perry said at a briefing during his visit to Kiev on the inauguration of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky.

Nord Stream 2 is two gas pipelines with a total capacity of 55 billion cubic meters of gas per year. The highway runs from the Russian coast to Germany through the Baltic Sea. Construction is handled by Nord Stream 2 AG, and European companies Shell, OMV, Engie, Uniper and Wintershall are also involved in the project. Commissioning of the main line is scheduled for 2019, however, it is possible to postpone the deadline to 2020 due to the position of Denmark, which has not yet issued the necessary permits.

“The project has nothing to do with politics”

Previously, the United States has repeatedly stated its intention to oppose the implementation of the Nord Stream - 2. For example, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo urged not to allow the project to continue.

“Russia wants to have Nord Stream 2 to use energy as a lever of pressure on Europe. We should not allow it to continue (project implementation. - RT ), ”said the head of the State Department in early May.

At about the same time, the American media reported that a draft sanctions restriction against participants in the construction of Nord Stream 2 was being developed in the congress. It is possible that the head of the US Department of Energy mentioned this document in his statement.

So, on May 13, it became known that US senators Ted Cruz and Jean Shahin drafted a bill that provides for the imposition of sanctions restrictions against individuals and organizations involved in the implementation of Nord Stream 2.

According to the document, persons selling ships or renting them out as part of the construction of the gas pipeline are proposed to ban entry to the United States. In addition, senators took the initiative to freeze all the assets of these people in the United States. The bill also notes the need to impose restrictions on those who finance, insure and technically serve the respective courts.

In Moscow, Washington’s attempts to hinder the implementation of the Nord Stream-2 are considered unfair competition, because the US is offering Europe to buy American liquefied gas.

“Any actions aimed at preventing the implementation of this project are nothing more than a blatant manifestation of unfair competition, which the United States has been doing for a long time, which is unacceptable not only for us, but also for many European countries, The EU, which they also openly stated, "- said the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov.

He added that the project for the most part has already been implemented, its funding has been secured and implementation is proceeding at a rapid pace.

“This project is in the interests of ensuring Europe’s energy security, it is in the commercial interests of European manufacturers, primarily Germany, and it has nothing to do with politics,” said Peskov.

Earlier, German Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke in support of Nord Stream 2. She said that the actions of the European authorities in relation to the gas pipeline will not prevent its construction. In this case, Merkel talked about amendments to the EU Gas Directive, which impose additional requirements on a number of gas pipelines.

“The project has been largely approved. New Gas Directive gives the European Commission more opportunities to appeal. But she will not interfere with this (construction. - RT ), ”Handelsblatt newspaper quoted Merkel as saying.

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz is positive about the project.

“I, as a convinced European, consider this project positive, like the German government and many other countries in the European Union. I think that together we can realize this project, ”said Kurz.