The former Prime Minister denounced Europe 1's foreign policy Donald Trump and calls to "defend Europe".


Jean-Pierre Raffarin no longer sees the United States "as allies". "In general, Europe has problems with Donald Trump, the United States are historical allies, they will no doubt be allies tomorrow, but today they do not behave like allies," he said. the former Prime Minister, interviewed Tuesday night by Sonia Mabrouk on Europe 1.

"They question the Paris climate agreements, they prevent us from working with Iran and they want to impose extraterritoriality, that is to say that US law would apply to businesses. They are undermining our sovereignty ... (...) When Donald Trump withdraws from the UN, from UNESCO, I find that very damaging ... Naturally we have to change the international rules, but we must not kill the dialogue. The dialogue is done all together, "continued Jean-Pierre Raffarin, very up against the foreign policy of the current tenant of the White House.

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"If we do not support Europe, we leave history"

Former Prime Minister Jacques Chirac, who supports the LREM list in the European elections, also called for "defending Europe" to weigh against the United States. "The United States today is in favor of a weakening of Europe, like all the great powers, and we need Europe, as against China and Russia. 'Europe, we are leaving history,' warned Jean-Pierre Raffarin.

The former MEP also called for Emmanuel Macron to join the next European elections on Sunday. "Who defends the interests of France?" Emmanuel Macron "Is it worthwhile to vote against the one who defends their interests?" We elect someone to defend us, and when the big European meeting comes we will to weaken the person who is in charge of defending us.It is not coherent Emmanuel Macron is not outgoing in the European Parliament.It is not necessary to put the whole history of Europe on the shoulders of Emmanuel Macron.