The Erasmus program has already enabled more than 3.3 million European students to spend several months abroad for their higher education or internship. Of these, 34,500 have decided to visit Germany each year.

Juliette, a 20-year-old French woman, chose to do her two-month internship in a couture workshop in Berlin. For her, who does not speak German, this first experience outside France is conclusive and she even plans to settle there permanently.

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He visto más lo lo que recuerdo recuerdo más de lo que he visto. #erasmusberlin

A publication shared by Nisrin El Boti (@nisrin_el_boti) on April 5, 2019 at 7:31 PDT

Emily is Scottish. An Erasmus exchange was an obligation in his law curriculum. She is happy to be a party before Brexit, which increases the uncertainty about the survival of this flagship program for young Europeans. "They continue to say they have agreements with all the universities in Europe, but I can not imagine how easy it will be next year," she says.

Since the announcement of the exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union, Berlin is always more plebiscite. The European Parliament wants to increase the number of young Erasmus. To achieve this, he wants to triple the current budget of 15 billion euros for the period 2021-2077.

Number of inhabitants: 81.2 million *
Number of MEPs to be elected: 96 (as in 2014) *
Entry into the European Union: 1957
Member of the euro area: 1999
Current majority in the government: coalition of Christian Democrats (CDU / CSU) and Social Democrats (SPD)
Voting system: German MEPs are elected by proportional representation, and seats are distributed among the lists having exceeded 5% of the votes cast.

Sources: * Eurostat and ** Robert Schuman Foundation