Vesoul (AFP)

Edouard Philippe denounced on Monday evening the irruption of Steve Bannon, sulfurous former adviser to Donald Trump, in the European campaign in France, also calling for the mobilization of pro-EU in the poll Sunday.

At a meeting in Vesoul, the sixth in which he has been involved since the beginning of the campaign, the Prime Minister warned that Mr. Bannon's praise for Marine Le Pen and the National Gathering could be in line with the search for Donald Trump's US interest.

"Who today is trying to divide Europe or weaken it? Exactly, those with an interest in the East or the West," warned Mr. Philippe, referring to Moscow and Washington.

"Mr. Bannon comes to Europe, to France to say how deep down there is an interest for him and for President Trump to change the European perimeter or the values ​​that have allowed the construction of Europe", he argues.

"When it is our partners - but also our opponents on certain topics - who are working to divide or weaken us, we have to ask ourselves if they are doing it in our interest or in theirs. is not in ours, "quipped the head of the government.

The tenant of Matignon reaffirmed that Europe allowed to defend the sovereignty of France, contrary to what the sovereignists claim against the "giants" American and Chinese.

When the mobilization of the Macronist electorate is mixed according to polls, the Prime Minister called for the mobilization of all those who "believe deeply in Europe".

"Of course, a lot of people are going to be busy on television," he said with reference to the three televised debates planned this week. "But that's not the point: you around you have much more power of conviction than any TV candidate," he said.

He recalled the painful experience of Mayor Agir de Vesoul, former LR Alain Chrétien, present at the meeting to support the list of the presidential majority, which in 2004 lost an election with one voice.

"What's the point of a voice?" In a democracy, do not let anyone decide for you, "said Philippe.

The RN and LREM respectively receive 23.5% and 23% of voting intentions, but the dynamic is rather favorable to the RN, according to an Ipsos Game Changers poll released Monday.

? 2019 AFP