A 30-year-old woman, a 34-year-old female employee, has been charged with holding an Asian worker in a car after being impersonated by a police officer and robbed him of 1,700 dirhams. The defendants admitted the details of the crime.

The victim (an Asian worker) reported that he was in the Jumeirah area at 2:30 pm and was surprised by a car parked next to him and inside the accused. The first told him that he was an interrogator and asked him loudly to get into the car and remove his jacket, He opened it and presented it to the second defendant, who saw what was inside. Then they spoke together in the Arabic language, which he did not know, and hit him with the purse on his head. He asked him whether he was drinking alcohol or not. Leave the vehicle.

After the victim came down, the two defendants went off at high speed, but he saved the car plate numbers. When he picked up the wallet, he discovered the money disappeared. He told the police about the incident. After about five days he received a call from the Dubai police. , But the second defendant covered her face with her hijab on the hour of the incident, did not recognize her face, but she knows her physical body.

A Dubai Police witness stated that a complaint from the victim about his theft from a man and a woman had been identified as an individual police. A team was formed and the suspects were arrested. The woman admitted that she had agreed with the accused to steal people by intimidating them by claiming to be police officers . On the day of the incident, he toured the Jumeirah area, searching for a victim until he stopped the Asian worker. He told him that they were suspected of drug and alcohol abuse after being held in the car for three minutes. He was then robbed of AED 1,700 and the first defendant hit him on the head more than once. So as to raise his fear, and then throw the folder out of the window.

The first suspect confessed that he was with the second defendant in her car and saw an Asian man sitting under a tree. He asked him to enter the car and stole 1700 dirhams.