Paris (AFP)

Blocked last week in their conquest of Europe, the Messines remained mistresses at home by winning their fourth consecutive title of champions of France at the expense of Nice, 33 to 28, in the final return on Sunday at the Arena.

The "Dragonnes" had extinguished the suspense in the first leg, won 12 goals on the Côte d'Azur last Wednesday. This is the 23rd title of Metz since 1989 (out of 31 possible) and the sixth in seven years. The club will have the opportunity to strengthen its stranglehold next Saturday in Bercy in the final of the Coupe de France against Brest.

This new consecration is also a great consolation after their failure in the Final Four of the Champions League, which was their big goal of the year. In Budapest eight days ago, they lost in the semi-finals against the Rostov Russians and then in third place against Sweden's Kristiansand. Nevertheless, their first qualification in the top 4 was an additional step in their progression.

The title crowns a dominance that has been total over the entire season - a single defeat against Brest, and again in a game without a stake on the last day of the regular season just a few days from the Final Four while the " pole position "was acquired- and that does not seem to be coming to an end.

- With eight Blue champions of Europe -

Of course, the club will lose its pivot Beatrice Edwige, leaving for Györ, the big Hungarian team triple champion of Europe in title. But with seven other Blue gold medalists in the last Euro (Grace Zaadi, Manon Houette, Orlane Kanor, Gnonsiane Niombla, Laura Flippes, Astride N'Gouan and the goalkeeper Laura Glauser), there will be solutions to train Emmanuel Mayonnade . The latter will face the challenge of a dual role with that of coach of the Netherlands.

The great rival Brest, finalist of the last two editions and who did not hide his ambition to overthrow Metz this year, suffered a break because of various hazards (pregnancies of the Swedish Isabelle Gülden and the guardian Cleopatra Darleux, shelved from Allison Pineau in conflict with management).

He lost in half against the Niçoises, but they did not make the weight in the final. Despite the handicap of having to play four games in eight days, including the final two days after the return of Budapest, and the absence of the injured Manon Houette in the thigh in Hungary, the Messines have quietly mastered both sleeves.

? 2019 AFP