By RFIPalled on 19-05-2019Modified on 19-05-2019 at 20:46

In Burundi, at least 9 miners were killed and around 20 injured in the collapse of a coltan mine on Friday 17 May. We only learn it now, because the authorities generally forbid all communication. The tragedy took place in the north of the country in Kayanza province, where there are many artisanal mines.

At the bottom of each valley in the region, diggers sweat night and day to extract precious minerals. At the foot of Kivuvu hill, the scene of the tragedy is coltan that young men tear up at the mountain. They could not do anything when a flood of earth fell on them.

" They were digging for ore in Kivuvu. There was a landslide. Part of the mountain covered the people who were down in the river, "testifies Victor Ntakirutimana is the administrator of the commune of Kabarore.

The search for possible survivors stopped on Saturday night. Jean Bosco Ndereyimana, is the president of Abba, a workers' rights association. He calls on the government to improve the working conditions of minors: " We especially deplore the poor conditions in which they work. In addition, these people do not have insurance for their lives. We call on the government to do everything possible to improve working conditions . "

The accident took place on Friday, but we only learn it on Sunday. For Burundian authorities systematically prohibit local authorities to communicate on these incidents in the mines, under penalty of punishment.

To read also: Coltan, an indispensable metal in the modern world

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