This is stated on the website of political power.

Thus, the party commented on the information that had appeared earlier that Zelensky had a meeting with representatives of international HR agencies and discussed with them possible cooperation in the search for personnel in the public sector.

“The meeting of the elected president, Vladimir Zelensky, with headhunters demonstrates that he does not have an understanding of how to form a power team capable of overcoming the legacy of the Poroshenko regime. Moreover, recourse to HR agencies is evidence that there is no Ze team. There is only a myth sold to Ukrainians in the packaging of the series, ”the statement says.

The faction recalled that "the services of headhunters" previously enjoyed the outgoing power.

“The appointment of low-profile foreigners and the holding of fake contests in public office turned out to be only a wrapper for global corruption and ended in disgrace and scandal,” the party said.

Earlier, Zelensky held a meeting with representatives of international HR-agencies and discussed with them possible cooperation in finding candidates for public office.