A spokesman for Iran's Atomic Energy Organization Bahruz Kamalundi that the organization has actually implemented the decision of the Supreme National Security Council to suspend some of Iran's commitments in the nuclear agreement in 2015, and prepare for the implementation of the rest of the resolutions.

What commitments will Iran reduce its commitment to?
While Iran was considering the decision of the Supreme National Security Council and what commitments Iran could gradually halt in the nuclear deal, the US move to impose sanctions on the purchase of enriched uranium and heavy water was given to the government to implement the Supreme National Security Council resolution.

Under the nuclear deal, Iran has the right to enrich uranium by 3.67 percent and produce heavy water (used in nuclear reactors and can be used to convert uranium to plutonium and accelerate the production of the atomic bomb).

All that has reached the production of enriched uranium to three hundred kilograms or the volume of heavy water to 150 tons, Iran must sell uranium to a third country for money or yellow cake material (used to enrich uranium).

Under the nuclear deal, Iran has the right to sell or store its heavy water reserves in a third country. Oman has acted as mediator, but the recent US decision prevented Oman from even storing Iranian heavy water.

Because of the American decision, the decision was made to benefit from Articles 26 and 36 of the nuclear agreement and to continue production and storage of enriched uranium and heavy water inside the country after reaching the ceiling specified in the nuclear agreement.

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According to these two articles, Iran has the right to complain to the committee that is formed by the nuclear agreement states for not implementing the counterparty. The committee must make the decision within a maximum period of 60 days. If the decision is not taken, Iran is entitled to suspend all or part of its obligations Nuclear agreement.

The importance of Iran's suspension of these pledges
The nuclear deal was designed to prevent Iran from making nuclear weapons, and there would be at least a general break between Iran's stockpile of enriched uranium and what it needed to make a nuclear bomb.

According to nuclear scientists, the manufacture of a nuclear bomb requires a ton of enriched uranium of 3.67 percent, and about 1,000 tons of heavy water is enough to convert 3.67 percent enriched uranium to plutonium that can be used in nuclear weapons.

On this basis, Iran is entitled to produce about 460 grams of enriched uranium by 3.67% and 2.3 tons of heavy water per day and reach the production ceiling within 65 days.

This means that Iran's threats, if implemented, would destroy the goal of the nuclear agreement without Iran leaving it.

Iran gave the parties to the nuclear deal 60 days to decide on the implementation of its commitments to the agreement as a whole.

During his press conference on May 8, President Hassan Rowhani announced that Iran would take further steps after the Iranian deadline, most notably the lack of commitment to Iran's production of uranium and heavy water daily.

To do so, Iran will need to reconnect its centrifuges, install new generation centrifuges, and restart the Arak heavy water reactor.

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According to Iranian officials, Tehran could halt its commitment to produce enriched uranium by 3.67% and increase uranium enrichment in its possession to as much as 5% or even 20% as before the nuclear agreement.

Iran Atomic Energy Organization
Iran's Atomic Energy Organization (IAEA) will take steps to implement Iran's Supreme National Security Council's decision to reduce Iran's nuclear deal obligations, according to a spokesman for Iran's Atomic Energy Organization.

This means that this organization will produce and store enriched uranium and heavy water inside Iran, and prepare the 20,000 centrifuges for installation, as well as manufacturing new generation IR6 and IR8 centrifuges.

It should be noted that the nuclear agreement did not specify the limit of Iran's production of centrifuges, and it only limits its composition to produce nuclear fuel above the ceiling of 3.7%, so the Iranian Atomic Energy Organization is producing centrifuges of the new generation even after the nuclear agreement.

What is Iran's goal?
Although the Iranian government insists on staying in the nuclear agreement until the last moment, but feels that the opposite side exploits the will of the Iranian government in this area, it wants to withdraw this paper from the hand of the counterparty, and say that the interest of the counterparty also requires the maintenance of this agreement, Decisions in this context, and the other side must not imagine that Iran will not dare to get out of the nuclear agreement.