“This is a position not only of the Austrian side, but also of a number of European countries that have been saying for many years that the sanctions imposed against Russia are detrimental to Europe itself, primarily its economy. The absence of normal trade and economic relations between the EU and Russia is detrimental for a number of European countries. At the same time, there is an understanding that sanctions are artificial and do not have the European Union as a source. They are initiated by the United States, ”said Bredikhin.

According to him, many countries are ready to restart relations with Russia, and the Russian economy is open for cooperation with European companies.

“For Austria, the economy is based, among other things, on trade with Russia. Important is the removal of these barriers for the economic independence of EU countries, including from the United States. Trade with Russia is promising, and the Russian market is quite ready for Western investments, so that our companies can have their assets in the West and develop them, ”the expert concluded.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin held talks with Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen. The meeting touched upon issues of bilateral relations between the two countries, as well as the current international agenda.