At least seven Sudanese protesters were wounded by a military uniform in the vicinity of the sit-in in front of the army's general headquarters in the center of the capital Khartoum yesterday, while the forces of "freedom and change" warned of continued attacks on the protesters.

Soldiers wearing military uniforms began removing barricades erected at a distance from the sit-in in front of the General Headquarters of the Armed Forces in central Khartoum, amidst gunfire as troops approached the perimeter of the sit-in.

The regular forces removed the roadblocks from Al-Muk Nimr Street and a part of Al-Jamia Street near Al-'Ittam Square, and gunfire was heard as troops approached the vicinity of the area.

During confrontations with the forces, which are working to remove the barricades on Al-Gomhouria Street leading to the courtyard of the sit-in, seven people were injured, including three in critical condition.

The protestors showed resistance to the regular forces, which began to remove the barricades and barriers on the university road, but quickly retreated.

The Nile Street leading to the presidential palace is still closed because of barriers erected by the protesters, surrounded by military vehicles equipped with light and medium weapons.

The correspondent said «AFP» The escalation occurred during attempts by security forces to remove the barricades in the center of the city and their opposition by the demonstrators, which led to some clashes in the areas of the municipal street and at the bridge Almkem tiger and the Republic Street.

The forces of freedom and change yesterday held an emergency meeting to discuss the repercussions of the recent violence, which killed and wounded the ranks of the protesters.

The «freedom and change» in a statement that it will continue to rally sit-in front of the General Command of the army in central Khartoum.

She added that she will continue to gather in the sit-in areas in front of the General Command of the Armed Forces in Khartoum and the provinces, "to guard our gains and our victories and the fulfillment of the covenant we made to our martyrs and their precious blood that has been destroyed in the homeland."

And stressed its total rejection of "any attempt to suppress our people in the exercise of their legitimate right to peaceful expression, and hold the responsibility to anyone who contributes to the repression."

The forces of «freedom and change» warned of the continuation of «attacks that constitute an extension of the practices of the security services of the regime inevitably falling and its militias», said «as we hold the military junta fully responsible for these blatant attacks, and failure to curb and stop these forces of his, which may lead to repeat scenario The massacre of 13 May 2019 and the shedding of more precious Sudanese blood ».

The forces of "freedom and change" called on the protesters to abide by the specific sit-in area since April 6 before the general command of the army and not to "respond to the provocations intended to drag us into the circle of violence."

The violence broke out ahead of a round of talks between the military junta and representatives of the "Freedom and Change" coalition, a spearhead of the protest movement that pushed President Omar al-Bashir on April 11.

These developments come after the parties to the negotiations (the Transitional Military Council and the Forces for Freedom and Change) have reached agreement on the terms of reference of the three levels of government, with a transitional period of three years.

It was also agreed that the forces of freedom and change would receive 67% of the Legislative Council's membership, in addition to forming a joint committee to investigate the events of the recent sit-in.

Progress in the talks has been preceded by violence that last Monday killed six people, including a military.

The coalition of the Forces «Freedom and Change» and the US Embassy blamed the army for the violence, while the military junta claimed responsibility for «unknown elements» wants to divert the political track from his destination.