Some 900,000 candidates will receive from Wednesday evening the first answers to their wishes for guidance. For the disappointed, solutions exist.


Stress rises for the 900,000 candidates registered on Parcoursup. From Wednesday evening, young people will receive the first answers to their orientation wishes. If most students will be accepted or placed on the waiting list, some of them will only have negative answers. But do not panic, solutions are available to the disappointed.

>> READ OUT - Nursing schools, the most requested training on Parcoursup

Request an educational appointment

Students who have asked only for selective courses and who have received only "no" receive support. Thus, from May 16, high school students can request an appointment (individual or collective) with a member of the educational team of their establishment. Students can get closer to the guidance service of their university. The goal: to understand the reasons for refusals and find a suitable solution for next year.

Request a review of the file

Another possibility: ask, from May 16th, the reconsideration of your candidacy near your academy. But this requires justifying "exceptional circumstances": state of health, disability or registration as a high-level sportsman ... Finally, the law also allows to ask "the communication of information relating to the criteria and modalities of examination" of your applications, "as well as the pedagogical reasons which justified the decision taken". Information that could be useful in the event of an appeal to an administrative tribunal.

Make new wishes during the complementary phase

The disappointed also have the opportunity to register for the complementary phase of Parcoursup, from June 25th to September 14th. Those who have already created a file will only have to add to their profile the results obtained at the baccalaureate level. Candidates will then be able to make up to 10 wishes in courses that have places available. For this complementary phase, you will have every interest to connect as often as possible to the platform. Indeed, places likely to interest you will be released as and when.

Request the Higher Education Access Commission

Another solution: seize the commission of access to higher education (CAES) of its academy from July 6, after the results of the baccalaureate. These CAES, chaired by the Rector, bring together many leaders of the orientation (representatives of universities, IUT ...) to help the failed. The commissions take into account the candidate's training plan, his preferences or his skills to find the solution closest to his expectations. Depending on the remaining places, they formulate one or more proposals, which the student is then free to accept or refuse.

Join a training outside Parcoursup

Many schools offer training without going through the Parcoursup platform. This is particularly true of most business schools, or in the social, paramedical or engineering fields. To find out if there are still places, students should contact schools directly. But beware: these courses can be expensive and are not all synonymous with quality. Before you register, it is imperative to ensure that they deliver a state-recognized diploma and that they offer an attractive job market insertion rate. Many specialized sites can, thus, help you to see more clearly.

What if I am "waiting?" For candidates whose wishes are "pending", there are also remedies, as we explain in this article. This year, the candidates will be informed of the rank of the last admitted last year, in order to have a better idea of ​​their chances of integrating (or not) training. Be careful to be vigilant, since the "waiting" can turn into "yes" according to the disclaimers. If you do not answer in due time (indicated on the Parcousup website), you lose the right to access the training. If you are still on the waiting list after June 26th, you can also register for the complementary phase, or request a review of your file.