Kurt Kaser, 63, had stuck his leg in a wheat machine. Having no way to prevent help, he amputated himself with a pocket knife about 7 centimeters.

A Nebraska farmer did the unthinkable to stay alive: take out his knife and amputate himself his left leg that was stuck in a wheat machine, US media reported. "I had no other choice," Kurt Kaser, 63, told ABC News on Tuesday.

"The adrenaline is so strong that I do not know if it hurts or not"

The farmer from Pender, Nebraska, in the center of the United States, was alone that day in April. He was transferring grain into a silo with a mobile machine when his leg was trapped.
Unable to find his cell phone, Kurt Kaser had no way to call for help, shouting that he would not be able to help on that 600-hectare farm, reports the local Omaha World Herald . "I did not know what to do," Kurt Kaser told the daily. "I was afraid it would suck even more" my leg.

He then comes to mind the last chance solution: take out his pocket knife about 7 centimeters and start cutting off his leg. "The adrenaline is so strong that I do not know if it hurts or not," he told ABC News. "I think we want to survive and do what we have to do to survive," he told the Omaha World Herald .

"I know I'll be walking about normally again"

Once released from the machine that crushed his leg that he amputated below the knee, the sexagenarian crawled a few tens of meters to the nearest phone to call his son. "I never lost consciousness until (...) what they start to operate" in the hospital, he recalls.

The farmer returned home last Friday after spending a week in the hospital and two weeks in a rehabilitation center. But Kurt Kaser is not one to feel sorry for himself: "I know I'll walk around pretty normally, other people will not be able to, never walk again."