The Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Dr. Anwar bin Mohammed Gargash, said yesterday that the UAE agrees with Washington that Iran is the main reason to destabilize the region.

In a meeting with journalists, Gargash called on Iran to work to improve its policy with the countries of the region and the world, pointing out that they are saying the opposite of what they are doing in the region.

He added that Iran's foreign minister's statements were "hollow" and that Iranian behavior was behind the current difficult situation.

He said that the investigation into the attack on cargo ships was not over, and that the UAE would continue to adhere to the policy of restraint, stressing the UAE's keenness on the stability of the region and its commitment to reduce tension.

Gargash stressed that it is clear that the effectiveness of sanctions against Iran is an integral part of the existing tension, adding that we are concerned about Iran's policy in the region. He stressed that the UAE will continue to act as a member of the international community and will be cautious and moderate.

"We are waiting for what our partners will achieve in investigating the sabotage of oil tankers near the territorial waters of the UAE," he said.

He stressed that the agreement of Sweden remains the best option, but the Houthis are hampering its implementation, pointing to support for the efforts of the United Nations on Yemen, despite the actions of the Houthis. "We are concerned about the Huthis attack on Saudi Arabia," he said.

On the situation in Libya, the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs explained that Tripoli is under the control of extremist factions and organizations and criminals.

In the context of the Palestinian issue, Gargash said that the UAE wants an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Commenting on developments in Sudan, Gargash said that the country "needs a lot of financial support to be stable, and we would like to help."

Earlier, yesterday, Gargash said on his Twitter account, yesterday, that «the positive news from Khartoum invites us all to snoop. The agreement between the military junta and the forces of the Declaration of Freedom and Change puts Sudan on the road to stability and recovery after years of dictatorship of Bashir and the Brotherhood, Sudan looks forward to the future with optimism ».