The mayor of Levallois-Perret has been tried since Monday by the Criminal Court of Paris, as his wife Isabelle.

On the third day of his media trial, Patrick Balkany once again pointed out. After exasperating his own lawyer Eric Dupont-Moretti on Monday, as the Daily's cameras had captured, the LR Mayor of Levallois-Perret had not turned off his cell phone before the opening of the hearing, and his ringing sounded in the courtroom ... with the musical theme of the Tontons flingueurs .

#Balkany Patrick Balkany has arrived .. a phone ringing ... Tontons Flingueurs .. it's his!

- Salome Legrand (@Salome_L) May 15, 2019

The ringing of Tontons flingueurs on Patrick Balkany's laptop, in court ...

- Michel Deléan (@michel_delean) May 15, 2019

Patrick Balkany has been on trial since Monday, along with his wife and first assistant Isabelle Balkany, still hospitalized after a suicide attempt. He appears for tax evasion, money laundering and passive bribery. The case covers two separate proceedings: the investigation for money laundering and corruption was opened in 2013 after revelations by a former ally of the couple, Didier Schuller. The other, for tax evasion, started with a complaint from the tax authorities in 2015.

Four million euros evaded according to the tax authorities

The criminal court decided to first examine the charges of tax fraud, which concern about four million euros evaded according to the tax authorities: income tax between 2009 and 2014 and wealth tax (ISF) between 2010 and 2015. Then comes the main part of the trial, money laundering and corruption, which will be examined from May 20 to June 20.

READ ALSO - Trial Balkany: new details on the expensive lifestyle of the couple delivered at the hearing

Asked on Wednesday, Patrick Balkany had announced that he would not assert his right to silence. The couple incurs up to ten years in prison and especially sentences of ineligibility.