Tehran has officially suspended the fulfillment of a part of its obligations under the Joint Comprehensive Action Plan (SIPA) on the Iranian nuclear program. This is reported by ISNA with reference to a representative of the Atomic Energy Agency of the country. According to the ISNA source, the decision was made by the Supreme National Security Council of Iran.

“In order to inform the public about the measures taken, it was decided to organize visits by journalists and reporters to existing installations at nuclear facilities in Natanz and Arak,” he said.

A representative from the Atomic Energy Agency also added that Tehran intends to resume uranium enrichment work and stop upgrading the heavy-water reactor in Arak. The republic will take such steps if the parties to the transaction do not fulfill the requirements of the agreement within 60 days.

Iran announced the ambassadors of Great Britain, France, Germany, China and Russia last week about its intention to stop fulfilling part of its obligations under the FACU. We are talking about the points of the agreement, according to which Tehran is allowed to produce no more than 300 kg of low-enriched uranium and about 130 tons of heavy water.

At the same time, Iran demanded that European partners adhere to the provisions of the deal, which relate to the protection of Iranian interests, including in the banking sector and oil trade.

Tehran’s response to this statement was in the Russian Foreign Ministry, stressing that Moscow understands the decision of the Iranian side with understanding. This is reported in the comments of the Russian Foreign Ministry, which was published on the official website of the Ministry.

“We are pleased to note that Tehran’s clear and scrupulous fulfillment of its obligations under the DFID was not in doubt ... At the same time, Tehran, unfortunately, did not fully receive the economic return that was provided for it in the framework of the Action Plan,” in a statement.

The ministry has demonstrated readiness to continue cooperation with the Iranian republic within the framework of the SAPA and for the development of other bilateral projects. It is also reported that Moscow is condemning the new Washington sanctions package against Tehran, which affects the metallurgical industry.

Recall that the Joint Comprehensive Action Plan was adopted in 2015 by Iran on the one hand and by the five permanent members of the UN Security Council (USA, Russia, China, Great Britain, France) and Germany on the other.

However, on May 8, 2018, Washington pulled out of the deal. US President Donald Trump said that the treaty does not meet the interests of the United States and is "far-fetched", and the promises made by Tehran are "false."

"Unable to agree"

Termination by Tehran of the fulfillment of part of its obligations under the FISA - “the reaction of the Iranian authorities to the aggressive actions of the United States,” said the expert of the Middle East Institute Sergey Balmasov.

“Iran has traditionally positioned itself as a country that is independent in making foreign policy decisions. Suspending the ADHD contract is a response to pressure from Washington, which blocks oil supplies and organizes information campaigns against the republic through controlled media, ”the expert said in a conversation with RT.

As Sergei Sudakov, a corresponding member of the Academy of Military Sciences, said in an interview with RT, Tehran decided to limit the fulfillment of obligations under the ADJA, since it understands that "it is not possible to reach an agreement with the White House."

  • White House USA
  • globallookpress.com
  • © Manfred Vollmer / imageBROKER.com

“The United States does not keep its word; there is no policy of continuity in this country. Every time there is a change in the US administration, the policy on the Iranian issue will change. In this situation, Iran as an independent country reserves the full right to defend itself, ”stated Sudakov.

In his opinion, in the Iranian republic they realized that the USA is a state that cannot live in a balanced legal space. Sudakov also added that for its part, Iran has really ceased all nuclear programs - it operated on the principle of open doors. However, not all parties to the agreement complied with the rules of the game and the agreements that were outlined.

"The power solution of the Iranian issue"

After Iran announced its plans to stop the implementation of certain paragraphs of the FACU, Washington stated that they would wait for specific actions from Tehran and then decide on the Iranian issue.

“We want to see what Iran’s actions really are (will be. - RT ).” They made a lot of statements ... we will see what action will actually be taken, ”said US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

However, Washington began to escalate the situation last week. Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan said May 6 that he approved the dispatch of the USS aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln with a group of bombers to the shores of the Iranian Republic. About this he wrote on his Twitter page. Such a move by Washington’s defense minister explained as “a threat from the forces of the Iranian regime.”

  • Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan
  • Reuters
  • © Yuri Gripas

Earlier this decision was also announced by presidential adviser on national security John Bolton. He motivated him by the need to "send a clear and unambiguous signal" to Tehran.

“Any attempt on the interests of the United States or our allies will be given an uncompromising response in terms of strength,” the statement said on the White House website.

The report also says that the United States has taken such measures, allegedly after a series of "signals and threats aimed at escalation."

On the eve of the Central Command of the Armed Forces of the United States announced an increase in the level of alarm in Iraq and Syria because of the "potential threat" from Iran.

“The Central Command, in coordination with Operation Unshakable Determination, has raised the level of power for all forces involved in the operation in Iraq and Syria. The operation is at a high level of alarm, and we continue to closely monitor ... probably immediate threats to US forces in Iraq, "the department said.

According to Sergei Sudakov, the message of the Iranian side about its readiness to resume uranium enrichment and return to the nuclear weapons program is, above all, a call for dialogue.

“The current head of the White House considered the policy of the previous administration towards Iran to be too soft, and the agreements reached were inappropriate. Trump was not satisfied that it was international experts who could control Tehran’s actions, ”the expert said.

As Sudakov notes, if the US tries to resolve the situation around Iran by force, this will lead to enormous losses on the American side.

“When Washington realizes this, his enthusiasm will quickly disappear. The United States intimidates with its statements and shows warships, but we must remember that Iran, the country that is used to the military conditions of life, will have no difficulty in mobilizing the population for Tehran. Trump, for all his zeal, will not be able to bring Iran to its knees, ”the analyst said.

Sergei Balmasov also does not exclude that Washington will go to the "military solution of the Iranian issue."

“The United States can create a situation in which an international coalition consisting of states that are negatively disposed towards the republic will act against Tehran. Thus, Washington will be able to pursue its policy in Iran, ”the expert predicted.

With an eye on Washington

According to analysts, a number of European countries can support a possible US attempt to "settle" the situation around Iran using force.

After it became known that Tehran did not intend to adhere to part of the paragraphs of the FAPA, the foreign ministers of France, Germany and the United Kingdom, as well as the representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy made a joint statement in which they expressed concern about the decision of the Iranian side . This is reported on the official website of the European External Relations Service.

“We remain fully committed ... to the key achievement of the global nuclear non-proliferation system, which meets the security interests of all,” the statement said.

Representatives of EU Member States also called on the Republic of Iran to comply with the obligations of the Joint Comprehensive Action Plan.

“We reject any ultimatums and we will evaluate Iran’s implementation of the agreement on the basis of Iran’s actions with regard to its nuclear obligations under the FIDA and the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons,” the statement says.

According to Sergei Balmasov, it is possible that some EU countries can support the United States if the White House decides to act by force in solving the Iranian issue.

“Britain, which has its own interests in the region, can join a possible coalition against Iran. Engage in this adventure, probably, will try and France, which will send, for example, several squadrons into the territory of the republic. It should be understood that the decision on Iran will be taken by the EU countries with an eye to Washington, ”the expert concluded.