Iraq hopes to resolve tensions between Iran and the United States. This was stated by the Iraqi ambassador in Moscow, Haidar Mansur Hadi.

“Iraq wants to be part of the solution to tensions in the region, and not part of the problem. We have strong relations with Iran, we have a strategic agreement with the United States, so we can use good relations with two countries to reduce tensions that may arise, ”RIA Novosti quotes the diplomat.

Mansur Hadi expressed confidence that there would be no further escalation. According to him, Iraq does not want another destructive war in the Middle East.

The diplomat also added that Baghdad will not allow Washington to use its territory for military operations against Tehran.

In recent days, various statements have been received from the United States regarding Washington’s possible actions with regard to Iran.

On the eve, the White House expanded anti-Iranian sanctions and announced plans to send a US Navy strike group led by the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier and a B-52 tactical bomber group to the region.

Soon, Iran partially suspended the fulfillment of its obligations under the nuclear deal - the Joint Comprehensive Action Plan (IFAP), from which the United States had previously withdrawn. Javad Zarif, Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic, noted that his country is against the war, but is ready to use force if the United States shows aggression.

On May 14, the American edition of the New York Times, citing its own sources, said that the US leadership had been given a plan to send 120,000 troops to the Middle East.

According to the newspaper, Washington can take this step if Iran develops a nuclear program or attacks the US military. Soon in the White House, this information was called "fake news."

  • Reuters
  • © Alaa Al-Marjani

In addition, US Senator Tim Cotton said the need for two blows for the United States to defeat Iran. He mentioned this during an interview on PBS.

“Yes, two hits. The first blow and the final blow, ”said Cotton, answering the question asked whether the United States could win in the event of an open military confrontation with Iran.

In turn, Iranian Defense Minister Amir Khatami said on Wednesday that Tehran could defeat the United States.

“The Islamic Republic is at the peak of defense in order to contain any threat. We will defeat the American Zionist front, ”the Iranian Mehr agency quoted Khatami as saying.

High alarm level

At the same time, Washington made several official statements about the situation in the Middle East. The US Central Command (CENTCOM) reported an increase in alarm in Iraq and Syria because of the potential threat from Iran.

“The Central Command, in coordination with Operation Unshakable Determination, has raised the level of power for all forces involved in the operation in Iraq and Syria. The operation is at a high level of alarm, and we continue to closely monitor ... probably immediate threats to US forces in Iraq, "the department said.

In addition to this, the US State Department ordered to withdraw from Iraq all civil servants whose work is not related to operational services.

"The US State Department ordered the removal of American civil servants from Iraq, whose work is not related to operational services, including from the embassy in Baghdad and the consulate in Erbil," the diplomatic mission said.

Later, Germany announced the suspension of training for the armed forces of Iraq, explaining its decision by the actions of partners in the region.

“The Bundeswehr ceased training, this is due to the fact that we are guided by the actions of our partners who took this step. This does not mean that it cannot be renewed in the following days. This is a decision related to the situation, ”Jens Flosdorf, representative of the German Defense Ministry, quotes RIA Novosti.

The Netherlands did the same, preparing the Kurdish military formations in Iraq.

However, Berlin has no plans to withdraw its diplomats from Iraq, said the representative of the German Foreign Ministry, Maria Adebar.

“We do not have our own information about the changing security situation, which would affect our diplomatic missions,” she said, noting that the number of staff in Iraq would remain the same. Her words leads Tass.

  • Heiko Maas
  • Reuters
  • © Fabrizio Bensch

Later, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said that a unilateral US strategy to exert maximum pressure on Iran would not solve the problem around Tehran’s nuclear program.

According to him, Germany seeks to ensure that Iran “renounces its destructive role in the region,” but the paths that the United States and the Federal Republic of Germany set foot on “are significantly different from each other.”

"We do not believe, and we clearly said (to the State Secretary - RT) Pompeo on Monday that a unilateral strategy of exerting maximum pressure (on Iran. - RT) will push us forward," TASS quoted Maas.

The president of Austria Alexander Van der Bellen also spoke on this subject. During the talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin, he expressed the opinion that any pressure on Iran would worsen political relations, and Europe did not want such an outcome.

“If the US continues to put pressure on Iran, it increases the risk that a new crisis will erupt, similar to that which was in Iraq several years ago. Nobody wants that in Europe, ”RIA Novosti quotes Van der Bellen.

"Americans will need to mobilize additional resources"

There are fears in the world that a recurrence of escalation and tension around Iran is possible, which was observed in 2007, recalled Vladimir Yurtayev, Doctor of Historical Sciences, member of the European Society of Iranists.

“Indeed, this is a significant threat to Iran today. We see American aircraft carriers moving closer to the shores of the Islamic Republic. And it is no coincidence, therefore, perhaps for the first time in recent years that we have, those who are not interested in the transition to the hot phase quickly responded, ”said the expert in an interview with RT.

He noted that the United States often conducts its shares through the media in order to "explain" them to the world community. According to Yurtaev, a negative reaction to American intentions can interfere with Washington’s plans.

“If the front of condemning the US approach to the escalation of the power factor around Iran gains strength, there will be a sufficient number of influential actors of international relations who declare condemnation of this kind of approach by America, then maybe to overcome this, Americans will need to mobilize additional resources “- said the historian.

The very possibility of an armed clash between the United States and Iran cannot be ruled out, but at the present time the likelihood of such an outcome of events is rather small, says Vladimir Butyuk, chief researcher at the Institute of the United States and Canada.

“Iran is a powerful military power, it demonstrated its military capabilities during the conflict in Syria, where the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and the Hezbollah supported by it defeated decisively, of course, with the support of the Russian Aerospace Forces, IG terrorists *,” said the expert in conversation with RT.

These events allowed Iran to consolidate its position and thoroughly press the United States in the region, Batiuk said.

Speaking about the current informational activity, he suggested that we are talking about propaganda "games".

“For the time being, this is intensifying tensions, but real military plans behind this are most likely not worth it. This is a bluff, an attempt to put pressure on the Iranian government. But Iranians are not the kind of people with whom such numbers go. Iran will remain firm and the Americans simply will not work, ”the expert concluded.

* “Islamic State” (IG) - the organization is recognized as terrorist by the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2014.