On this, as reported by Interfax-Ukraine, said the press service of Zelensky.

As noted, the meeting was held in the framework of the EU-US Energy Security Forum in Brussels.

“The role of the United States in diversifying energy supplies is important to Ukraine and Europe as a whole. This reduces political risks and reduces the cost of energy for consumers, ”said Danilyuk.

It is emphasized that the meeting also touched upon issues of attracting investments to increase natural gas production in Ukraine, possible ways of supplying American liquefied natural gas, as well as reforming the country's gas market, including Naftogaz.

Earlier it became known that Zelensky’s advisers met with the ambassadors of 28 EU countries in Brussels.

On May 3, Danilyuk said that it’s too early to talk about the position regarding the extension of the contract for the transit of Russian gas, but in many respects it depends on the position of the United States.