In the publication, the diplomat expressed surprise at the fact that many do not understand “a simple fact: dilettantism is dangerous, its deliberate demonstration is a sign of stupidity”.

“One thing is sympathy and complicity, help and support, and quite another is a sentence,” she wrote.

According to Zakharova, in this situation it is extremely important to be guided by the facts, “if you don’t possess the data, then you cannot judge,” she stressed.

"Excuse me. Cry from the heart. It is terrible to read this "enlightened dilettantism", - concluded the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Earlier, the airline "Aeroflot" has published a full list of passengers SSJ-100, made an emergency landing at Sheremetyevo airport on May 5.

As a result of the accident, 41 people died, in total, there were 73 passengers and five crew members aboard the aircraft.