The diplomat noted that Macron welcomed the "courage of hundreds of thousands" of Venezuelans.

“Yellow jackets” can be jealous - their French president didn’t praise them even once, ”Zakharova wrote on Facebook.

Macron wrote in his Twitter that he welcomed the courage of Venezuelans who advocate freedom of speech.

Después de la elección ilegítima de Nicolás Maduro en Mayo de 2018, Europa apoya la restauración de la democracia. Aclamo la valentía de centenas de venezolanos que caminan por su libertad.

- Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron) January 24, 2019

He called the elections in Venezuela held in the spring of 2018 illegitimate and noted that Europe is in favor of restoring democracy.

Earlier, Zakharova commented on the situation in Venezuela.

Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro accused the United States of seeking to commit a coup d'état in the country.

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