“Our own investigation is underway. And do not forget about it. If it seems to someone somewhere in the West, whether in the UK, or in Washington, in Brussels, that Russia is putting this issue down on the brakes, then they are very wrong, ”Zakharova said.

She added that, in her opinion, this story will be brought to its logical conclusion.

“The accusations were too strong, the consequences were too dramatic, so as not to notice all this and turn the page,” the Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said.

She also noted that if “the British law enforcement agencies, the Theresa May government had at least some slightest evidence, but at least testimony, which could be presented to the world,” then “they would have been ".

"There is nothing. There is a provocative activity - impudent, boorish, icy, without any doubts of our own, ”Zakharova added.

Earlier it was reported that the Russian embassy on the eve of the anniversary of the incident in the British Salisbury called on the British authorities to disclose these investigations into the case of poisoning of Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia.

In January, State Duma deputy Konstantin Zatulin, in an interview with Nation News, estimated EU sanctions against GRU officers in connection with the case of poisoning in Salisbury.