The US ambassador to the United States, Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak, said that the veto used by US President Donald Trump against the joint decision of Congress to limit US military operations in Yemen is very important for the ongoing efforts to bring peace and stability to the country. Yemen, pointing out that the Iranian-backed coup-backed Houthi militias resisted all efforts to reach a political solution to the crisis and refused to comply with the National Dialogue Conference, the GCC initiative and all the relevant Security Council resolutions. Finally, it also rejected the implementation of the Stockholm Convention, Sweden last December.

"Five years after the Houthi militias' coup against legitimacy, there is no real progress towards ending the ongoing violence and easing the worsening humanitarian crisis," the ambassador said in an article in the Washington Inquirer magazine. "It is understandable that some in the West, Even in the US Congress, the disengagement is preferable to the continuation of the conflict, but if we get back to history, the Houthi coupists only want to harm and create strife. "

"The events in Sanaa and Hodeidah can be far from Washington or New York, but in our globally interdependent society, countries can not isolate themselves from the problems of other countries. When terrorism is not confronted in one place, it becomes a threat to all places. And instability in a country, the danger is increasing for all countries. "

The ambassador stressed that the threat posed by the Houthis, supported by Iran, affects many countries, including the United States. He pointed out that the curricula of the Houthis of the schools under their control, in which children systematically teach hate speech in a campaign to brainwash the new generation, Long-term.

In his article, the ambassador pointed out that Iran is a terrorist state that seeks to exert influence by directing extremist proxies such as the Huthi militias and Hezbollah to use violence and aggression to instigate instability. "The battle against global terrorism is a shared responsibility. The Houthis have access to High-tech Iranian weapons, including drones and remote-controlled boats to attack merchant shipping and oil, and the Houthis used Iranian-made ballistic missiles to threaten neighboring countries. "

Finally, the Yemeni government praised the firm and consistent American position in supporting Yemeni legitimacy and the firm stance of the US administration towards the destructive role of Iran in undermining security and stability in the region and the world through its agents of armed militias, the most recent being the classification of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards as a terrorist organization. The veto on Congress's decision to stop US military intervention in Yemen.

Yemeni Prime Minister Moin Abdulmalik said during a meeting in the interim capital of Aden, US Ambassador to Yemen Matthew Toler, that the Trump decision is a clear signal to the Iranian regime and its agents of the Houthi coup in Yemen to yield to a peaceful political solution. , Or bear the consequences of their insistence on gambling and trading in the blood of the Yemeni people, in order to implement Iran's expansionist agenda in the region and the world.

The meeting touched on recent political developments, foremost of which was the convening of the Council of Representatives, finally, in the city of Sayoun, to complete the three powers of the state and the role of relying on this in accelerating the end of the coup due to the continuation of the Huthi militias by an Iranian directive to reject all peaceful solutions, the latest of which is the Stockholm Agreement. He traveled to the will of the people and the decisions of the international community.