These demonstrators wounded by the police denounce the use of the controversial thrower of defense bullets.

Protesters seriously injured by the police, most of them during the movement of "yellow vests", announced Sunday in Gennevilliers constitute a collective and call for a major national demonstration in Paris on May 26.

"We decided to form a collective, 'the mutilated for the example', with reference to the shots for the example," said at a press conference Robin Pagès, handicapped since his serious foot injury in 2017 to Bure, where is planned a landfill of nuclear waste.

They denounce "the ultra-violence of repression"

Nineteen people, all wounded by the throwing of defense bullets (LBD) or grenades, presented this collective which aims to fight "the ultra-violence of repression" and wants to ban "the use of these weapons of war ". "You have 19 people in front of you and you have only 26 eyes that look at you.Take the count, there is a small problem," Jerome Rodrigues assented, "yellow vest" éborgné during a demonstration in late January in Paris .

READ ALSO - What to remember from act 24 of "yellow vests"

Each of the people present told of this "life that has rocked" or the impossibility "to be able to look in an ice cream". "At night, it's insomnia, nightmares, it's the daily horror to try to shake things off with one hand, for now it's total hell," said Sebastien Maillet, who had his hand torn off February 9 in Paris, during act 13 "yellow vests".

"Monophthalmia complicates your whole life, things take a lot of time and there is a psychological impact on those around you and your loved ones," said Patrice Philippe, a 50-year-old former truck driver injured in the eye by a shot LBD December 8, 2018. "Many people here have titanium plates and screws in the face," added Robin Pagès.

22 people lost an eye, according to the collective

According to the collective, since the beginning of the movement of "yellow vests", 22 people lost an eye and five were amputated with one hand, "not counting other mutilations" (loss of smell, amputated testis). "We demand the truth, justice and the ban on so-called sublethal weapons," said Robin Pagès. According to him, Interior Minister Christophe Castaner "lies" when he speaks of "only ten people hit in the head by LBD shots".

At the beginning of March, the Interior had recorded 13,095 LBD shots since the first act of the movement and 83 investigations for potentially problematic shots.