In a forum published Saturday, more than 1,400 actors of the cultural world welcome "a movement that the power seeks to discredit and represses severely while the most threatening violence is economic and social".

Actresses like Juliette Binoche or Emmanuelle Béart, writers like Édouard Louis or Annie Ernaux and 1,400 other actors of the world of culture brought Saturday their support to the movement of "yellow vests".

In a tribune entitled "Vests yellow: We are not fooled!", Published on the site of Liberation , these comedians, writers, cartoonists or writers welcome "a movement that the power seeks to discredit and represses severely while the most violent violence. threatening is economic and social ".

>> Follow live on Europe 1 the progress of act 25 of the "yellow vests"

"Yellow vests are us"

According to the signatories of this forum, this movement "calls for essential things: a more direct democracy, greater social and fiscal justice, radical measures in the face of the state of ecological emergency". "The yellow vests are us", insist the signatories who declare themselves "absolutely concerned by this historical mobilization".

"We can see the strings worn out to discredit yellow jackets, described as anti-ecologists, extremists, racists, thugs ...", they denounce. "The maneuver does not take, this story does not stick to reality even if mass media and government spokesman would like us to believe," they add.

The signatories also denounce a "repression that worsens every week". "Nothing justifies the establishment of a legislative arsenal called 'anti-breaker' that violates our fundamental freedoms," they believe. "We will continue to indignant, stronger, more often, more together," warn the signatories on the platform

First support from an academician

Before this petition, the academician Danièle Sallenave had also supported the movement of "yellow vests" in a short essay called Jojo the yellow vest (Gallimard) denouncing the "class contempt" whose "yellow vests" make the object. "From the first demonstrations, I felt a surge of sympathy, regularly renewed by the pleasing contrast on television, between their somewhat clumsy assurance and the ill-concealed hostility of journalists and their guests," he wrote. author of L'églantine and lily of the valley .