While the French in Paris are wearing yellow jackets to protest against their president's economic policies, the Egyptian regime is horrified by the transmission of infection to the Egyptians as the eighth anniversary of the January 25 revolution approaches.

The police in the coastal city of Alexandria arrested Mohammed Ramadan, and the prosecution ordered him to be held for 15 days pending publication of a photograph wearing a yellow vest similar to that worn by protesters in France.

Egyptian authorities have unofficially placed restrictions on the sale of yellow jackets to individuals for a week, fearing the spread of French demonstrations to Egypt, according to many traders who sell in the heart of the capital Cairo.

The Egyptian media also devoted large areas to cover the protests of the "yellow jackets". Most of them were used to use words and words such as chaos, destruction, pillage, sabotage, confrontations and losses, in order to intimidate Egyptians from protesting the deteriorating financial situation in the country.