“First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the landfill with food waste, since it attracts animals. It is possible to make a new stern spot at a considerable distance from the village, which will allow the bears to switch their attention, ”the report said on the official website of the foundation.

The organization stressed that the shooting of rare animals is excluded.

In the future, as a preventive measure, it is proposed to create a so-called “bear patrol” in the region - specially trained and equipped task forces with the support of WWF, which will notify residents of the approaching animal to the settlement, as well as competently and quickly drive it away.

In addition, experts propose to equip the settlement with a system of engineering barriers, video surveillance and operational warning.

It is emphasized that these methods are effectively used in arctic settlements around the world.

Earlier, Rosprirodnadzor created an emergency working group due to the invasion of polar bears on Novaya Zemlya.

Experts are expected to assess the situation, calculate the bears, and work out measures to prevent polar bears from attacking people.