When a woman looks at herself in the mirror after birth, she may feel appalled by the changes in her shape. You may wonder: How will you lose all that extra weight after pregnancy? How long does it take to recover the right weight? What controls and standards are adopted?

Weight gain during and after pregnancy is a concern that causes many women to feel stressed, so that they will not regain their grace again.

In fact, it may take a long time to lose excess weight after birth, but thanks to a balanced diet and some exercise, those accumulated fat can gradually fade.

If you are interested in your diet during pregnancy, you may expect to regain your normal weight a few days after birth, but unfortunately it is not always that simple. When you leave the hospital you will continue to feel pregnant and usually need to get rid of swelling in your abdomen and for about two weeks .

If you measure your weight as soon as you arrive home, you will be disappointed when you discover that the number of kilograms you lost after birth, usually five to six kilograms, does not match the large number of kilograms gained during the nine months of pregnancy, according to a report by Cecile Maurice Channel Canal in.

The multiple hormonal and physical changes that accompany pregnancy and childbirth are very natural (Pixabee)

Proper weight and extra weight
The multiple hormonal and physical changes that accompany pregnancy and childbirth are very natural, as you may also have a problem with water retention in the body. Therefore, all you have to do is be patient, knowing that most women who have a healthy weight before pregnancy, succeeded in restoring their normal weight in less than a year after birth.

If you are overweight before your baby is born, it may take a little longer to lose weight.

It is pointless to keep blaming the pregnancy if the weight loss process takes longer than two years and you will be the main culprit and the only person capable of making the changes you hope to receive.

Get rid of guilt
In the first place, you should get rid of the guilt, as well as be patient if you can not achieve your goal of losing excess weight, and it will be harmful for you and your child, if you are breast-feeding, Your body to at least two months of rest to recover from all the changes and cuts caused by birth.

In the first few weeks after birth, you will naturally suffer from severe fatigue, along with difficulty in coping, which requires you to maintain all the energy necessary to take care of your child and get used to your new lifestyle. After this phase is over, it is expected to start a loss of about one kilogram to two kilograms per month.

Physical activity certainly plays an important role in the process of losing excess weight, but it will be better to wait two months before starting to exercise heavily. Walking on a daily basis, however, is enough. Physical activity can only resume naturally after postpartum scars are completely cured.

If you are overweight before your baby is born, it may take a little longer to lose weight (Pixabee)

Some tips will help you achieve the desired
Here are some tips that will help you gradually lose weight without resorting to caloric intake, or devote two hours each day to exercise. In fact, the effect of these tricks may appear to be rather slow, but being careful to get rid of excess weight is always the best way.

• Eat healthy and nutritious foods: Choose meat and fish with low fat content, low-fat dairy products, and fresh fruits and vegetables.

• Avoid foods high in fat and refined sugars such as fried foods and ready-made cakes.

• Breastfeed your baby: Many women note that breastfeeding helps you lose weight effectively, especially if you continue breastfeeding after six months of your baby, as well as being the only way to get rid of cellulite in your hips.

• Commit to drinking plenty of water: between one and a half liters a day.

• You can exercise outdoors, or when you are in the house, taking care of abdominal exercises through stretching and lifting your legs. These light exercises are very useful for your fitness.

• Do not stay long in the sitting position immediately after birth.

• You can replace going to the gym by incorporating as much physical activity into your daily life, either by climbing the stairs or swimming.

• According to recent studies, fatigue limits the body's ability to burn fat, so you should give utmost importance to sleep and relax whenever you have the opportunity.

• Take care of your outer body even if you feel uncomfortable in your new body after birth, because it will give you a moral boost to make you look positively at your body.

It is normal for your body to take a long time to regain its pre-pregnancy weight because of its many changes. Gradually losing weight is the best solution. If your weight continues to cause stress, you should consult a nutritionist to give you Advice.