The founder of Blackwater Security Services Eric Prince took advantage of the rise of Donald Trump when he was elected president of the United States in January 2017 to restore his activity, writes Matthew Cole in a lengthy article on Intercept.

Prince's return to the theater - a former Navy commander - was not expected before attending the famous meetings at the Four Seasons Resort in the Seychelles Islands in the Pacific with a Russian banker, Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed and others.

He explains that the election of Trump as president gave Blackwater founder "the notorious" a new opportunity to prove himself and his return to the game, after the prevention of his own company to work in Iraq against the background of the shooting of civilians carried out by contractors in Baghdad, and after years of attempts to achieve His vision is to recruit thousands of mercenaries around the world.

He points out that Mohammed bin Zayed brought together members of the ruling family and close advisors at this luxury resort to attend a session to devise a major strategy in anticipation of the new US administration.

The relationship between Blackwater's founder and Mohammed bin Zayed dates back to 2009 when he agreed with him to set up an elite anti-terrorism unit (the US press)

Mohammed bin Zayed and an agreement
The writer points to the relationship between the founder of Blackwater and Mohammed bin Zayed, which dates back to 2009 when he agreed to establish an elite unit to combat terrorism.

He adds that this agreement ended badly for the founder of Blackwater, but the election of Trump returned to its usefulness.

He notes that Prince was invited to attend the meeting as a prominent supporter of Tramp and a close colleague of White House chief adviser Steve Bannon, as well as being the brother of who will become the education minister at Trump Pitsy Devos.

On the agenda were discussions on new ways of dealing with civil wars in Yemen, Syria and Libya, threatening the organization of the Islamic state, and long-term rivalry with Iran.

Meeting and consultant
The UAE, led by Mohammed bin Zayed, uses its oil wealth to become one of the world's largest arms purchasers and the third largest importer of US weapons. The presence of a new US president means new opportunities for the small Gulf state to exercise its huge military and economic influence in the Gulf and beyond. .

The founder of Blackwater was invited to meet as an unofficial adviser to the next US administration, but Mohammed bin Zayed told members of the royal family and other government officials that "Eric was his leg," according to a source close to the UAE rulers.

The founder of Blackwater, Abu Dhabi Crown Prince, was the founder and founder of the elite land force that Ibn Zayed had deployed in wars in Syria and Yemen, the first foreign conflict in his country's history.

"Because of Prince, there is no presence of terrorists in the UAE," said Mohammed bin Zayed. "Prince is the solution to the problem of the UAE with the Somali pirates.

Prince, during his meeting in China (US press)

They owe it to Eric
According to the same source, Mohammed bin Zayed told the audience that they owe Prince Eric a favor, and that part of the known includes apparently facilitating the provision of eight billion dollars to the Executive Director of the Russian sovereign wealth fund Krill Dimitriev very close to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The writer says that the founder of Blackwater repeatedly denied under oath to the US Congress that his meeting with Dimitreev had anything to do with Trump's administration, describing the meeting with him as nothing more than a passing coincidence of beer, and that the talk was about the endless war and massacres in Iraq and Syria.

The Blackwater founder met for 30 minutes with Putin shortly before Trump's inauguration, and the meeting received considerable attention from Congress, the Robert Mueller investigation and the press.

The writer says that Blackwater has made Prince a notorious symbol of the arrogance of US foreign policy, but the most famous mercenary in America has continued.

Although Prince continues to dream of deploying his military services in failed states, he is now trying to make presentations ranging from the traditional toolkit of mercenaries, military and manpower to mobile surveillance and malware, psychological processes and social media manipulation.

The writer says that Prince has long tried to acquire part of the supply chain of external conflict such as aircraft, ships, vehicles, weapons, intelligence, men and logistics, and that his activities in this area are becoming more diverse and prosperous.

The founder of Blackwater established a security company in southern Iraq, based in Hong Kong, and has a branch in the UAE, and that his group specializes in security and logistics (Frontier Services) is active in southern Iraq, a group that was able to launch with Chinese funding in Hong Kong in 2014.