The Dubai Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has announced the release of electronic properties for lifelong vehicles, rather than current ones, starting from the first of next August, as part of the third and final phase of the service. Car rental companies and taxis. In May, the company launched its own vehicle company, as part of its efforts to gradually transform its services in line with the Smart City initiative and achieve the third strategic objective of "making people happy".

The launch of the new electronic property service for the vehicle category is aimed at encouraging the dealers to save their time and effort in obtaining it by smart means. The service is to be obtained by downloading the application of the RTA, Download the Dubai drive application on smart phones, or the TRA website

He added that the application mechanism includes the issuance of permanent ownership without an expiration date is disbursed once, and the renewal of electronic ownership every year after the end of the procedures, and that the copy of the electronic property (vehicle license complex) come via an e-mail to the client, as well as to the client through the application of the Commission .

Al-Marzouqi stressed that the dealers should maintain permanent ownership and print a "vehicle license" which is sent to the customers via e-mail, and keep them in the event of vehicles leaving the country. He also stated that the internal and external bodies have been informed in this regard through Issued by the Ministry of the Interior, adding that it is possible to verify the validity of the license data of the vehicle through the entry to the link located in the certificate of vehicle license, which can be printed free of charge through access to the site of the Authority. He explained that the project is in addition to the directions of the initiative «Smart City», as well as it comes within the framework of environmentally friendly products in terms of reducing the use of environmentally harmful materials, such as polyethylene and plastic derivatives.

He stressed that the Authority is always keen to keep pace with the government's directions, especially in terms of providing comfort and happiness to customers, which is a priority of the strategies of the Commission, and its products service.

- Renewal of the electronic property is carried out every year after the completion of the procedures.