“We have a candidate who positions himself as an opponent of the existing system, and the current president, who, in turn, says that he has worked a lot, has achieved a lot, but much remains to be done,” the diplomat quotes TASS.

According to him, "the Ukrainian people have to make a choice."

“Do they want someone who simply opposes the system and promises broad reforms?” Or do they want someone who may have disappointed them to some extent, but carried out far more reforms than anyone in Ukraine over the past 20 years and opposed Putin? ”He added.

He also confirmed that he is referring to the current president of the country.

Earlier, Volker said that Russia uses RT and Sputnik to influence the situation in Ukraine.

On April 2, US Senator Bob Menendez called for candidates for the presidency of Ukraine, who will be in the second round, to engage in dialogue with Ukrainians.

Former US Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul said that elections in Ukraine are an example of democracy.