Of course you have to see it this way: Because of him, many, really many people gathered in London this Friday. More definitely than back then because of Barack Obama. The mood is exuberant, the sun is shining, colorful balloons float in the air - including even a particularly large, which somehow looks similar to him. They really tried, these Englishmen. And quite, very many have written messages to him in the way he likes them most: short, trenchant and even American. In short, a fantastic, ah what: the most fantastic day for Donald Trump.

He already knew it before: "I think they really like me in the UK," he had said before his departure.

And that's nothing but the truth.

The Fake News, on the other hand, reads as follows: The tens of thousands who were yelling through London's city center on this Friday afternoon actually had only one message for the US president - in short, they said, Get out!

It was really the announced "Carnival of the Resistance", not only but especially in the British capital, where they had tried everything to somehow prevent the visit of the White House rival. But because they did not succeed, they met him with mass humor.

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Protest in London: Hot air against Trump

"My mom does not like you, and she likes everybody else," someone had painted on his poster. "Make America Sane Again" another. And because the Trump was even expected by the Queen in Windsor that afternoon - one of the few British celebrities he had not insulted in advance - many had tips for him and she had: "Hands off, Donald!" and "Go on, Queenie, spit in Trump's tea!"

It was one of the biggest, loudest and funniest demonstrations London has seen in a long time. Countless Americans mingled with the people, some of them came out on a cardboard sign themselves with the adjective "horrified" - appalled. Meanwhile, on the edge of the crowd, Owen Jones, one of the organizers of the spectacle, said, "This is the much-publicized special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States."

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Trump in the UK: shaking hands and protests

However, she did not join in the protest, though she had every reason to do so: Prime Minister Theresa May. When she received Trump and his entourage princely on Thursday evening at Blenheim Palace, a safe distance from London, she had no idea that the president had previously dictated a letter of thanks in his own way. During the night, the tabloid "Sun" surprised with an exclusive interview, in which Trump once tore into what May had laboriously built up in a memorable domestic battle.

In front of the baffled press Trump fables of "Fake News"

Of the proposals for a gentle Brexit, which May had wrested from her opponents in the past few days, he held little, teased Trump. The United Kingdom would remain too closely linked to the European Union, a potential trade agreement with the United States - from which the British Nationalists hope so much - will be practically "killed". He, Trump, had advised May to take a harder line, but she did not seem to want to hear. Incidentally, Boris Johnson, the ex-Foreign Minister who resigned on Monday over anger over May's plans, would surely be "a great Prime Minister."

That sat. And brought May, which for the first time for a long time in terms of Brexit had the advantage in massive distress.

In the midst of the cries of triumph of the Brexit fundamentalists, however, Trump did what he had recently done at the NATO summit in Brussels the day after. He rowed back in fast moves.

At May's checkersâ € "and, ironically, right there, where the head of government had lashed out their Brexit plans exactly a week agoâ €" Trump told his stunned press in the afternoon his own interview on "Fake News."

Boris is "great", Theresa "incredible"

While the prime minister stood by with a half-frozen smile, the US president bluntly claimed that the Sun had forgotten to write down all his praise for May. Called their Brexit strategy "alright" as long as a "fair deal" with the US comes out in the end. Called his manly advice to May now rather than a kind of suggestion. And Boris Johnson as a really great guy, while May as "incredible".

In the video: Everything was not meant that way



Spoke it out and went to Windsor to visit the old lady, after all here are so crazy - to finally relax for a few days on his Scottish golf courses. At the beginning of next week, all he has to do is quickly tell this Putin guy in Helsinki where to go. One way or another, Trump might think so.

Meanwhile, back on the island, a people's representative and a people remained who, after these 30 surreal hours, had something in common for a long time: a certain sense of relief.