Three days before the national finals of the Olympiades des métiers, the Caen exhibition center has become a giant ant-hill. We are working everywhere on the 45,000 sqm dedicated to the competition to install spaces that welcome candidates. The specifications are very precise. Reportage.

"We have a problem with the stainless steel tables. Some are a few inches shorter than others. All candidates must have exactly the same table. Marc Millet, the regional advisor in charge of the Olympiades des métiers, has two more days to find a solution ...

45,000 m2 are dedicated to the competition. | West France

Dozens of people are busy at the Caen exhibition grounds for the national finals, which are held from Thursday to Saturday. The installation meets a set of specifications. "It's about setting up, in one place, 57 companies", summarizes the president of the French organizing committee, Michel Guisembert.

It's not a small affair. Friday, when there was still enough room to maneuver, a helicopter, arrived from Bordeaux by the road, was installed at the bottom of hall 3. "It is equipped with wheels. Once he entered, he was pushed to 4. He weighs only one ton, " says Dominique Chapeau, partner of Aerocampus and Airbus.

Ten semi-trailers for food

The space also hosts a motor loaned by Safran, which equips the Boeing and Airbus, and two "maintenance workshops on pallet" used by the Air Force in external operations.

A helicopter was installed in the exhibition grounds for the competition. | West France

In the adjacent space, four machining machines designed by DMG for the competition have been installed. Each one costs several hundred thousand euros.

The Alpine Renault is already attracting attention in the aisles. | West France

Another machine is already attracting flashes, in the center of hall 2: an Alpine, loaned by Renault, which provided for the Olympiads thirty vehicles for coachbuilders and mechanics. " Thirteen cars will be officially offered to training centers," said Marc Millet.

Furnaces, dozens of computers, sewing machines, paving stones ... The trucks have engaged in a real ballet at the doors of the site. "Just for food, there are ten semi-trailers! "

Dany Desforges, 19, and Mavrick Marie, 18, lend a hand. Thanks to the action and prevention service of Caen, young people from the neighborhoods are doing acting days during the Olympics. | West France

Under one of the giant tents installed by France rent in front of the park-expo, students of Vire and Coutances play rake to spread 300 tons of sand for the horticulture test. It was delivered a little earlier by the careers of Étavaux, one of the big partners of the competition. Bonvoisin, Promocash, Disgroup, Isigny ... The Olympiad trades cost 3.5 million euros to the regional council that has chosen to work with companies in the region.