Practical and very useful, easy to create and also free. Since November 9th, each insured can obtain his shared medical file. A true digital safe of your health of which you will be the only master.

All my health at your fingertips

"The shared medical file is your digital health record," says Claudine Quéric, director of the primary health insurance fund of Ille-et-Vilaine and Brittany. "It keeps the memory of the health of each patient. In it can be registered the results of analyzes or examinations, the reports of hospitalization, the medical images, the history of the care and the treatments ... "

No need to search the drawers for the results of the blood test done six months ago when the prescription was written by your doctor a year ago. All your health data is now just a click away and is hosted in servers based in France and ultra-secure. "The shared medical record is a chance for the patient. Do not have one, it's a loss of luck, " says Noëlle Davoust, a pharmacist in Rennes.

It's easy to create my shared medical record

It only takes a few minutes to create a shared medical record. "The insured can go to the receptions of primary funds in their region," said Claudine Queric. "Just bring your health card and answer a few questions from a health insurance advisor. Another solution: create it from home. "Just log on to the site and enter the identifiers that will be sent by the health insurance. Or go to his pharmacist who is authorized to create a DMP.

I am the master of my data

As Professor François Guillé, head of the Eugène Marquis Cancer Center in Rennes, points out, "the patient remains totally the master of his data. It is he who decides which people or health professionals can access it. He can also choose what information he wants to share. No one else can access it. Neither your employer, insurance, bank, mutual ... The patient can also add data. On the other hand, you can accept upstream, in case of a very serious accident and if for example you are in a coma or unconscious, to allow the emergency services to access it.

I avoid dangerous drug interactions

Every year, thousands of people in France succumb or become seriously ill as a result of drug interactions, allergies or treatment incompatibilities. "Access to the shared medical file makes it possible to avoid these errors," says Claudine Quéric. "Health professionals can easily see previous or current medications or incompatibilities. A real breakthrough.